am at orange watching 'the house bunny' online.
coz ain't got interesting stuf to do.
layan jelaa muvi online.
well, how i feel now?
umm, am feeling kinda good.
thankful for a such fine day.
a lil bit sangap actually.
tapi as long as ade activity kire ok ar ni.
tgh tunggu hunky abis keje.
maktuk kene admit hospital lak, batuk berdarah.
risau ar gak.
me at seksyen 5 skarang, tunggu jelaa hunky kol baru balik.
mrr2 konfem jam gile.
so, ikut jalan ampang jelaa.
dah abis one hour nanti, blah je ar.
klaa.. pi layan house bunny balik.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
sangapnyer kat opis nih..
dah takde keje nak dibuat.
tho hari ni dtg lambat, pegi jumpe dentist,
still rase cam.. haiz~ lambat nye mase berlalu.
talking bout dentist.. ummmm..
i have to take out two of my teeth.
alamatnye rongak ar aku nanti..
tuhlaa, sape suh tak jage gigi bebetul.
takut plak jadik cam both of my parents.
by 40+ sume gigi dah takde.
oh tidak!
thanx to my babe, temankan aku gi klinik.
hehe, padahal bleh jek gi sesorang.
tapi saje nak ngade2, bawak teman. ngeehahaha!
wer babe atsu, tak online kah hari ni?
time takde keje laa die tanak memunculkan diri.
dah mati kutu, tak tau nak buat pe.
nak buatpe ar?
dah takde keje nak dibuat.
tho hari ni dtg lambat, pegi jumpe dentist,
still rase cam.. haiz~ lambat nye mase berlalu.
talking bout dentist.. ummmm..
i have to take out two of my teeth.
alamatnye rongak ar aku nanti..
tuhlaa, sape suh tak jage gigi bebetul.
takut plak jadik cam both of my parents.
by 40+ sume gigi dah takde.
oh tidak!
thanx to my babe, temankan aku gi klinik.
hehe, padahal bleh jek gi sesorang.
tapi saje nak ngade2, bawak teman. ngeehahaha!
wer babe atsu, tak online kah hari ni?
time takde keje laa die tanak memunculkan diri.
dah mati kutu, tak tau nak buat pe.
nak buatpe ar?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
it's over jesse Mc
am jez listening to this song alot, lately.
its' over-jesse mc cartney.
humm, i think, today also gonna be a random entry.
bukan pe, buat random entry cam senang sket.
each topic tuh leh wat pendek2 je.
so takde ar nak kene perah idea nak tulih pe pepanjang.
hehe. gile pemalas pompuan ni.
1. going green
i dunno why, unconsciously am starting to have some kind of environment conscious.
start with, tak membuang sampah merate-rate. kulit gule, coklat mesti simpan dlm bag dulu, bile dah jumpe dust bin baru buang. lately, beli baju, bayar, terus masuk bag.
no more plastic bag. buat pe pakai plastic bag. nanti buang tong sampah gak. unless ade certain plastic bag aku simpan wat recycle, pakai balik. pastuh siap lecture anak-anak murid aku lagi. "kertas yg dah pakai, jangan buang suke hati. simpan je.later, dah bertimbun, jual laa kat old news paper."
tapi babe, betul cakap aku. try pikir erk, ok let say everyday everyone of us save 1 piece of a4 paper.n there are hundred of us. so everyday, we'll recycle 100 pcs of a4 paper. for a month, we'll save 3000 pcs. a year dah brape pieces kite leh recycle, n imagine how many trees we could save. itu kalo 100 ppl jelaa kat malaysia buat cam tuh. kalo more than 100 yg buat.n we save more than an a4 a day. mesti lagi banyak leh kite save, tul tak?
so babes, let's going green..
"going green is a new pink"
2. Works
memandangkan keje tengah banyak. jap lagi dah nak balik.
len kali laa sambung sesi random merandom ni.
its' over-jesse mc cartney.
humm, i think, today also gonna be a random entry.
bukan pe, buat random entry cam senang sket.
each topic tuh leh wat pendek2 je.
so takde ar nak kene perah idea nak tulih pe pepanjang.
hehe. gile pemalas pompuan ni.
1. going green
i dunno why, unconsciously am starting to have some kind of environment conscious.
start with, tak membuang sampah merate-rate. kulit gule, coklat mesti simpan dlm bag dulu, bile dah jumpe dust bin baru buang. lately, beli baju, bayar, terus masuk bag.
no more plastic bag. buat pe pakai plastic bag. nanti buang tong sampah gak. unless ade certain plastic bag aku simpan wat recycle, pakai balik. pastuh siap lecture anak-anak murid aku lagi. "kertas yg dah pakai, jangan buang suke hati. simpan je.later, dah bertimbun, jual laa kat old news paper."
tapi babe, betul cakap aku. try pikir erk, ok let say everyday everyone of us save 1 piece of a4 paper.n there are hundred of us. so everyday, we'll recycle 100 pcs of a4 paper. for a month, we'll save 3000 pcs. a year dah brape pieces kite leh recycle, n imagine how many trees we could save. itu kalo 100 ppl jelaa kat malaysia buat cam tuh. kalo more than 100 yg buat.n we save more than an a4 a day. mesti lagi banyak leh kite save, tul tak?
so babes, let's going green..
"going green is a new pink"
2. Works
memandangkan keje tengah banyak. jap lagi dah nak balik.
len kali laa sambung sesi random merandom ni.
am feeling s***
aku malas nak mencarut sbenarnye pepagi ni.tapi rase sangat sux.
mane taknyer, last month nyer gaji tak dapat-dapat lagi.
babi betul! aku tgh broke gile ni. nak mintak ngan hunky pun,
duit dah kurang. hari tuh balik kg, dah abis banyak duit.
langsung broke gile.
hummm, yg lagi satu tuh, masalahnye, bleh tukar kete baru, pindah ofis.
tapi gaji staff, sekor pun takleh nak bayar.
lancau gile!
mane taknyer, last month nyer gaji tak dapat-dapat lagi.
babi betul! aku tgh broke gile ni. nak mintak ngan hunky pun,
duit dah kurang. hari tuh balik kg, dah abis banyak duit.
langsung broke gile.
hummm, yg lagi satu tuh, masalahnye, bleh tukar kete baru, pindah ofis.
tapi gaji staff, sekor pun takleh nak bayar.
lancau gile!
Monday, December 15, 2008
changing skin..
tukar layout..hehe! pakai template jek senang. simple n senang nak bace.
layout yg lame tuh cam dah boring gile.lame gile pakai. malas nak edit n update. ngeehahahaha!
sangap ni. sorang kat ofis.. ingat nak buat random entry jek.. humm~
1. Body aku slouch. one of the reason why am slouching coz tanak kasik boobs aku nampak ketare besar. ok, my boobs quite besar untuk body aku yg agak petite. so, everytime pakai body hugging, my boobs dapat attention unconditionally from men. huh! sangat tak suke ok. tapi bile dah slalu slouch, dah jadi habit lak duduk bongkok sket. oh tidak! aku tanak jadik hunchback! tak rela!tak rela!
2. Pagi tadi dengar fly fm. dorang bincang psal topik.. "are u gonna pick brain over sumthing else?"
for me laa, am always attracted to guy with brain. thats why i was head over heel toward my ex, i luuurve his brain. then here come the looks in second place. tho looks is in 2nd place, guy with brain without looks also gonna be rejected. hahahaha!
sungguh kejam. that's why hunky is the combination of bright brain, good looks n hot bod. yeah baby! yeah!
3. My weekn adalah sangap. tapi oleh kerane berjaye pegi swimming n hang out wif the gals, my sunday end with the smile in my face.hehe. tho saturday kene keje,then 24 hours sleeping, i think everything jez fine laa.
4. Anyone dah buat azam baru? for me next year, banyak bende nak target nih. kene buat list n planning, kalo rajin buat ar time frame skali. hopefully, takde ar set goal jek, buatnye tidak. tapi slalu nyer macam tuh ar. hehehe..
5. dah tak tau nak cite psal ape lagi. tadi bos balik,dah kene panggil suh betulkan position pokok bunge fake yg die dapat kat dlm ofis die. pastuh, langsung aku tak ingat nak tulih pe. so..
next time jelaa sambung balik.
Happy Black Monday! mmwahxmmwahx!!
layout yg lame tuh cam dah boring gile.lame gile pakai. malas nak edit n update. ngeehahahaha!
sangap ni. sorang kat ofis.. ingat nak buat random entry jek.. humm~
1. Body aku slouch. one of the reason why am slouching coz tanak kasik boobs aku nampak ketare besar. ok, my boobs quite besar untuk body aku yg agak petite. so, everytime pakai body hugging, my boobs dapat attention unconditionally from men. huh! sangat tak suke ok. tapi bile dah slalu slouch, dah jadi habit lak duduk bongkok sket. oh tidak! aku tanak jadik hunchback! tak rela!tak rela!
2. Pagi tadi dengar fly fm. dorang bincang psal topik.. "are u gonna pick brain over sumthing else?"
for me laa, am always attracted to guy with brain. thats why i was head over heel toward my ex, i luuurve his brain. then here come the looks in second place. tho looks is in 2nd place, guy with brain without looks also gonna be rejected. hahahaha!
sungguh kejam. that's why hunky is the combination of bright brain, good looks n hot bod. yeah baby! yeah!
3. My weekn adalah sangap. tapi oleh kerane berjaye pegi swimming n hang out wif the gals, my sunday end with the smile in my face.hehe. tho saturday kene keje,then 24 hours sleeping, i think everything jez fine laa.
4. Anyone dah buat azam baru? for me next year, banyak bende nak target nih. kene buat list n planning, kalo rajin buat ar time frame skali. hopefully, takde ar set goal jek, buatnye tidak. tapi slalu nyer macam tuh ar. hehehe..
5. dah tak tau nak cite psal ape lagi. tadi bos balik,dah kene panggil suh betulkan position pokok bunge fake yg die dapat kat dlm ofis die. pastuh, langsung aku tak ingat nak tulih pe. so..
next time jelaa sambung balik.
Happy Black Monday! mmwahxmmwahx!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thank God..
my kekusutan dah berkurangan..
i feel alot better..
dah dapat duit nak bayar hutang.
ade duit sket isi minyak kete.
dapat lunch ngan fira.
n sangap takde keje kat ofis.
what's in my mind now, tgh pikir.
how i can be a better person?
physically n emotionally.
i think my physical not that bad laa..
except for my facial skin n my perut laa..
other part? bleh laa score lebih sket.
i think, being me rite now,
kinda oklaa..
coz i have the confident in me.
but being confident alone ain't enuf.
there's 2 main things i wanna seed in myself.
charisma and discipline.
i know, it's not easy to be a charismatic person.
but charisma can be develope slowly.
for me, charismatic people always impress me alot.
person like syarifah armani, really blow me away.
to be confident n bold at the same time very ease with people..
humm~ agak susah ar.
but am trying.. trying hard..
be discipline..
discipline for me is the hardest things.
tho sumtime i do have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD),
tapi kekadang je.
so bile aku dah sampai angin malas n bad mood.
rumah cam tokang pecah.
duit spend sesuke hati.
n keje nyer melepak jer memanjang with the gals.
thats y laa i wanna be a discipline freak.
for me, self-discipline is one way to be great n successful.
n i define my past failure is totally because of lack of self discipline.
if only i can synchronize between my conscious n subconscious mind.
fuhh! konfem i'll be the person who i always want to be.
what kind a person i wanna be..?
what kind of person u wanna be?
my kekusutan dah berkurangan..
i feel alot better..
dah dapat duit nak bayar hutang.
ade duit sket isi minyak kete.
dapat lunch ngan fira.
n sangap takde keje kat ofis.
what's in my mind now, tgh pikir.
how i can be a better person?
physically n emotionally.
i think my physical not that bad laa..
except for my facial skin n my perut laa..
other part? bleh laa score lebih sket.
i think, being me rite now,
kinda oklaa..
coz i have the confident in me.
but being confident alone ain't enuf.
there's 2 main things i wanna seed in myself.
charisma and discipline.
i know, it's not easy to be a charismatic person.
but charisma can be develope slowly.
for me, charismatic people always impress me alot.
person like syarifah armani, really blow me away.
to be confident n bold at the same time very ease with people..
humm~ agak susah ar.
but am trying.. trying hard..
be discipline..
discipline for me is the hardest things.
tho sumtime i do have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD),
tapi kekadang je.
so bile aku dah sampai angin malas n bad mood.
rumah cam tokang pecah.
duit spend sesuke hati.
n keje nyer melepak jer memanjang with the gals.
thats y laa i wanna be a discipline freak.
for me, self-discipline is one way to be great n successful.
n i define my past failure is totally because of lack of self discipline.
if only i can synchronize between my conscious n subconscious mind.
fuhh! konfem i'll be the person who i always want to be.
what kind a person i wanna be..?
what kind of person u wanna be?
i shud get my cek today.
but i dunno if the woman stil want to fucked up,
habislaa aku.
but hopefully not.
well, kenapakh aku mempunyai sindrom mengantuk pada waktu pagi yg sangat kronik.
dah tak tau dah nak buat camner.
nak kate tido lambat, takde ar lambat.
tapi selalu nye, tido malam takde ar lena sangat.
mungkin sebab tak tido lena sangat kot, tuh yg pepagi mengantuk je keje.
beside of mengantuk.
kepale pun tgh kusut ni.
lotsa dilemma, sampai aku sdiri pun jadi konfius.
tak tau nak buat ape.
susah ar camni..
ish!ngantuk laa. tension ar ni!
but i dunno if the woman stil want to fucked up,
habislaa aku.
but hopefully not.
well, kenapakh aku mempunyai sindrom mengantuk pada waktu pagi yg sangat kronik.
dah tak tau dah nak buat camner.
nak kate tido lambat, takde ar lambat.
tapi selalu nye, tido malam takde ar lena sangat.
mungkin sebab tak tido lena sangat kot, tuh yg pepagi mengantuk je keje.
beside of mengantuk.
kepale pun tgh kusut ni.
lotsa dilemma, sampai aku sdiri pun jadi konfius.
tak tau nak buat ape.
susah ar camni..
ish!ngantuk laa. tension ar ni!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
hey, am kinda like my new job now.
apelaa aku ni.
smlm actually macam homesick ngan ofis lame n my one n only ofismet, feera.
tapi ari ni cam dah ok.
all the galz smlm pujuk aku, 'sabar jelaa..'
including hunky.
suh aku blajar susah2 sket.
sume nak senang, ape citer ar.
so, today i learn to luv new thing, new environment n new ppl.
n i started to like it.
humm.. am glad n thankful.
muahxmuahx to the galz n hunky..
nak 'uk'uk lak.
apelaa aku ni.
smlm actually macam homesick ngan ofis lame n my one n only ofismet, feera.
tapi ari ni cam dah ok.
all the galz smlm pujuk aku, 'sabar jelaa..'
including hunky.
suh aku blajar susah2 sket.
sume nak senang, ape citer ar.
so, today i learn to luv new thing, new environment n new ppl.
n i started to like it.
humm.. am glad n thankful.
muahxmuahx to the galz n hunky..
nak 'uk'uk lak.
Monday, December 01, 2008
new job sux!
really sux than my previous job..
so, think am gonna return to melawati jugak..later on..
i jez can't stand it..
kalo gaji jauh lagi mahal, takpe gak..
ni gaji same jek..
bile pk balik..
tanak ar aku..
adakah aku sangat mengade-ade..
i dun think so..
becoz they pay me wif the same amount of money..
am gonna pick for the one that give more benefits..
even sumthing like, wearing casual clothes to work..
flexible working hours..
job that more challenging n require my creativity..
of coz am picking the one which has more freedom..
hey, dierang kasi gaji same ar..
kalo tak same
takpe gak..
cam ni ar..
due company kasi gaji same..
let say, both kasi 2k..
A company..
give all the flexiblelity u need..
even the boss is so kind towards u..
he always gave the compliments u need..
the B company..
they are very strict.
die nyer keje, mak ai banyak gile..
simple admin work, tapi banyak gile babi..
boss plak.. jap2 menjeling.. jap2 kasi jelingan tajam..
sampai ko nak terkentut pun takut..
tapi, company besar..
full with potential..
ofis cantek jek..
tapikan, masalahnyer kan, sebesar-besar ofis ni..
aku sorang je pompuan..haiz..
dah lah sume brader2 kat sini nerdy..
aku rase cam, aku lagi pervert dr dierang..
lemah tul..
nampak sangat aku suke keje kat company A tuh..
yelaa, gaji same babe..
kalo die kasi gaji lebih 2,3 rat ok gak..
ni, same..
dah laa sabtu kene keje..
malas nyer..!
ish, ngade ar aku ni..!
keje jelaaa diam2..
banyak komplen plak minah ni..
erk.. tetibe ade alter ego plak..
another 10 minutes to go home..
jez can't wait to meet the girlz..
girlz.. help me..
new job sux!
really sux than my previous job..
so, think am gonna return to melawati jugak..later on..
i jez can't stand it..
kalo gaji jauh lagi mahal, takpe gak..
ni gaji same jek..
bile pk balik..
tanak ar aku..
adakah aku sangat mengade-ade..
i dun think so..
becoz they pay me wif the same amount of money..
am gonna pick for the one that give more benefits..
even sumthing like, wearing casual clothes to work..
flexible working hours..
job that more challenging n require my creativity..
of coz am picking the one which has more freedom..
hey, dierang kasi gaji same ar..
kalo tak same
takpe gak..
cam ni ar..
due company kasi gaji same..
let say, both kasi 2k..
A company..
give all the flexiblelity u need..
even the boss is so kind towards u..
he always gave the compliments u need..
the B company..
they are very strict.
die nyer keje, mak ai banyak gile..
simple admin work, tapi banyak gile babi..
boss plak.. jap2 menjeling.. jap2 kasi jelingan tajam..
sampai ko nak terkentut pun takut..
tapi, company besar..
full with potential..
ofis cantek jek..
tapikan, masalahnyer kan, sebesar-besar ofis ni..
aku sorang je pompuan..haiz..
dah lah sume brader2 kat sini nerdy..
aku rase cam, aku lagi pervert dr dierang..
lemah tul..
nampak sangat aku suke keje kat company A tuh..
yelaa, gaji same babe..
kalo die kasi gaji lebih 2,3 rat ok gak..
ni, same..
dah laa sabtu kene keje..
malas nyer..!
ish, ngade ar aku ni..!
keje jelaaa diam2..
banyak komplen plak minah ni..
erk.. tetibe ade alter ego plak..
another 10 minutes to go home..
jez can't wait to meet the girlz..
girlz.. help me..
Friday, November 21, 2008
isk, aku dah pujuk rayu hunky..
smlm, baru nak bermanje-manje
aku kuarlaa pujuk rayu aku psal duit tuh,
terus die turn off kemanjaan die..
n terus buat aku rase bersalah gile menyusahkan die lagi.
sampai skarang pun aku rase bersalah.huhu~
dahlaa tadi pegi jumpe client aku kat Damansara.
pastuh terus balik ofis kat melawati.
civic hitam aku ni plak buat hal, takde aircon..
huhu~ memang dalam sauna ar.
sampai ofis, baju aku lencun gile.
konfem aku nyer muke pun legap habis.
dahlaa jerawat banyak ni..
bleh bayangkan betape huduhnye aku.
tak bleh jadi ni..!
hunky aku makin hensem..
aku plak makin tak cun, ape cite..humm!
have to do sumthing nih!
so, jalan citernye hari ni..
aku stress gile..
air cond rosak..
lesen takde..
poket kosong..
camner ar..?
smlm, baru nak bermanje-manje
aku kuarlaa pujuk rayu aku psal duit tuh,
terus die turn off kemanjaan die..
n terus buat aku rase bersalah gile menyusahkan die lagi.
sampai skarang pun aku rase bersalah.huhu~
dahlaa tadi pegi jumpe client aku kat Damansara.
pastuh terus balik ofis kat melawati.
civic hitam aku ni plak buat hal, takde aircon..
huhu~ memang dalam sauna ar.
sampai ofis, baju aku lencun gile.
konfem aku nyer muke pun legap habis.
dahlaa jerawat banyak ni..
bleh bayangkan betape huduhnye aku.
tak bleh jadi ni..!
hunky aku makin hensem..
aku plak makin tak cun, ape cite..humm!
have to do sumthing nih!
so, jalan citernye hari ni..
aku stress gile..
air cond rosak..
lesen takde..
poket kosong..
camner ar..?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
cool things
lately rase cam malas gile nak blogging
bleh tak, aku rase cam dah tak tau camne nak blog.
sedangkan am blogging since year 2002 k.. lame tuh..
tapi cam dah boring..
nak kate nothing happen to me..
tapi cam banyak ar gak cool things happen..
speshly my trip to terengganu..
yeay! sgt best.. kudos to wani n family..
love u so much..
oo, how much i need to get away from the hustle in my mind now..
tapi masalahnye..
balik je dari trip tuh, aku lagi menambah banyak masalah ade ar..
bengong tul ar aku ni..
leh tak, last monday ari tuh, nak renew license kat jpj, lesen aku dah mati.
tapi sebab aku nyer lesen tuh baru P, so nak kene renew kat jpj.
aku dah prepare gambar yg aku print sdiri, print atas kertas je ar.
pastuh, masuk jpj amik no, aku tunjuk laa dekat kat akak yg jage kaunter tuh.
"kak, bleh ke pakai gambar ni?"
akak tuh pun amik pegang ar gambar tuh.
"Alaa bleh laa dik."
ok, dah akak tuh kate bleh, aku amiklaa no, duduk tunggu aku nyer turn.
dah sampai turn aku, duduk depan akak ni yg muke macam bagus, aku terus letak aku nyer gambar dan berkate..
"akak, ni gambar saye print sdiri. bleh pakai tak gambar ni? kalo tak bleh takpelaa.."
die pun tgk jer gambar tuh tanpe berkate pe2 pun.
pastuh tanye, nak buat lesen ni brape tahun.
aku cakap laa stahun.
kuar duit, the last 50 ringgit yg aku ade.
amik bayr, return 20, resit aku amik.
pastuh skali, die amik gambar aku letak atas meja tuh
"dik, mane bleh pakai gambar ni. print atas kertas?"
"laaa, tadi saye dah tanye akak kat depan tuh die kate bleh."
"tak bleh ni. pegi amik gambar kat tepi tuh, pastuh datang sini balik."
aku pun dengan bongoknye tunggu bratur nak amik gambar.
harge gambar tuh 2 keping tujuh ringgit.
alamak, tujuh ringgit, kopak lagi duit aku.
skali aku terlintas, masalahnye skarang bukan salah aku.
aku dah tanye awal2, bleh ke pakai gambar ni.
kalo tak bleh nape plak tak cakap awal2.
bodoh ar dierang ni.
aku dengan bongok nye, saje nak carik pasal ngan minah tuh.
aku pegi kat kaunter tuh tadi, cakap aku nak kensel.
die cakap tak bleh.
aku argue laa, akak kat depan kaunter tuh cakap bleh.
pastuh nape tak bagitau awal2 b4 die printout lesen tuh.
aku pun dengan bengkeknye membuat bising.
pakcik kat sblah kaunter pun masuk campur.
"biarla, kensel laa application die"
dan aku yang bongok ni, blah camtuh je.
bile sampai kat krete, budak tuh tanye..
"nape kak?"
aku cakap laa wat hapen kat dlm tadi. dengan nada marah ar ni.
"tapi.. akak dah bayar lom lesen tuh?"
alamak! baru laa aku realize.. bongoknyer aku..
saje je nak jadi bodoh..
yg ko blah camtuh tak amik balik duit ko pehal.
dah laa tuh je tinggal duit ko.
nak cari gaduh nye psal.
tak pasal2 jatuh miskin dan takde lesen.
so skarang ni, aku officially bawak kete takde lesen.
dan adalah sangat cuak jugak kalo nampak kete polis.
kalo kantoi, memang nak mampos ar.
dah laa takde duit ni.
nak buat lesen lain pun, tak cukup duit.
isk, sedey tul.
nak mintak ngan hunky.. takut..
nanti kene marah lak..
tapi nampak gaye kene buat muke kesian kene mintak ngan die jugak ni..
terpakse ar pakai pujuk rayu tangkap leleh..huhu..~
bleh tak, aku rase cam dah tak tau camne nak blog.
sedangkan am blogging since year 2002 k.. lame tuh..
tapi cam dah boring..
nak kate nothing happen to me..
tapi cam banyak ar gak cool things happen..
speshly my trip to terengganu..
yeay! sgt best.. kudos to wani n family..
love u so much..
oo, how much i need to get away from the hustle in my mind now..
tapi masalahnye..
balik je dari trip tuh, aku lagi menambah banyak masalah ade ar..
bengong tul ar aku ni..
leh tak, last monday ari tuh, nak renew license kat jpj, lesen aku dah mati.
tapi sebab aku nyer lesen tuh baru P, so nak kene renew kat jpj.
aku dah prepare gambar yg aku print sdiri, print atas kertas je ar.
pastuh, masuk jpj amik no, aku tunjuk laa dekat kat akak yg jage kaunter tuh.
"kak, bleh ke pakai gambar ni?"
akak tuh pun amik pegang ar gambar tuh.
"Alaa bleh laa dik."
ok, dah akak tuh kate bleh, aku amiklaa no, duduk tunggu aku nyer turn.
dah sampai turn aku, duduk depan akak ni yg muke macam bagus, aku terus letak aku nyer gambar dan berkate..
"akak, ni gambar saye print sdiri. bleh pakai tak gambar ni? kalo tak bleh takpelaa.."
die pun tgk jer gambar tuh tanpe berkate pe2 pun.
pastuh tanye, nak buat lesen ni brape tahun.
aku cakap laa stahun.
kuar duit, the last 50 ringgit yg aku ade.
amik bayr, return 20, resit aku amik.
pastuh skali, die amik gambar aku letak atas meja tuh
"dik, mane bleh pakai gambar ni. print atas kertas?"
"laaa, tadi saye dah tanye akak kat depan tuh die kate bleh."
"tak bleh ni. pegi amik gambar kat tepi tuh, pastuh datang sini balik."
aku pun dengan bongoknye tunggu bratur nak amik gambar.
harge gambar tuh 2 keping tujuh ringgit.
alamak, tujuh ringgit, kopak lagi duit aku.
skali aku terlintas, masalahnye skarang bukan salah aku.
aku dah tanye awal2, bleh ke pakai gambar ni.
kalo tak bleh nape plak tak cakap awal2.
bodoh ar dierang ni.
aku dengan bongok nye, saje nak carik pasal ngan minah tuh.
aku pegi kat kaunter tuh tadi, cakap aku nak kensel.
die cakap tak bleh.
aku argue laa, akak kat depan kaunter tuh cakap bleh.
pastuh nape tak bagitau awal2 b4 die printout lesen tuh.
aku pun dengan bengkeknye membuat bising.
pakcik kat sblah kaunter pun masuk campur.
"biarla, kensel laa application die"
dan aku yang bongok ni, blah camtuh je.
bile sampai kat krete, budak tuh tanye..
"nape kak?"
aku cakap laa wat hapen kat dlm tadi. dengan nada marah ar ni.
"tapi.. akak dah bayar lom lesen tuh?"
alamak! baru laa aku realize.. bongoknyer aku..
saje je nak jadi bodoh..
yg ko blah camtuh tak amik balik duit ko pehal.
dah laa tuh je tinggal duit ko.
nak cari gaduh nye psal.
tak pasal2 jatuh miskin dan takde lesen.
so skarang ni, aku officially bawak kete takde lesen.
dan adalah sangat cuak jugak kalo nampak kete polis.
kalo kantoi, memang nak mampos ar.
dah laa takde duit ni.
nak buat lesen lain pun, tak cukup duit.
isk, sedey tul.
nak mintak ngan hunky.. takut..
nanti kene marah lak..
tapi nampak gaye kene buat muke kesian kene mintak ngan die jugak ni..
terpakse ar pakai pujuk rayu tangkap leleh..huhu..~
Friday, November 07, 2008
huhu, lame gile tak update blog. malas sbenarnyer.
me reading a few blog today.
n kebetulan plak, most of the blog yg aku bace tuh citer laa psal, their past achievement n what they want to achieve later on.
umm.. membuatkan aku terpikir.. humm?
aku actually never thought of what i had achieved before..
lagipun, not much to be proud of, to be hated, banyaklaa..
n me also dun have any idea what am gonna be for the next five years..
honestly.. aku takde plan langsung for the future..
humm, maybe its kinda a sign for me to rethink what i've done in my life, n what i really want in my life n my future.
people love to day dreaming, so do i..
but to act, hoh! adalah sgt susah..
that's the real problem with me now..
kite gi lunch dulu..
pastuh sambung cite plak yek..
me reading a few blog today.
n kebetulan plak, most of the blog yg aku bace tuh citer laa psal, their past achievement n what they want to achieve later on.
umm.. membuatkan aku terpikir.. humm?
aku actually never thought of what i had achieved before..
lagipun, not much to be proud of, to be hated, banyaklaa..
n me also dun have any idea what am gonna be for the next five years..
honestly.. aku takde plan langsung for the future..
humm, maybe its kinda a sign for me to rethink what i've done in my life, n what i really want in my life n my future.
people love to day dreaming, so do i..
but to act, hoh! adalah sgt susah..
that's the real problem with me now..
kite gi lunch dulu..
pastuh sambung cite plak yek..
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
haven't been here for a month already.
lately, am bitching around not being a slut lar, but lotsa lepak2 n sisha.
sometime aiman tagging along with me.
so, takde ar rase bersalah sangat melepak-lepak n buang mase.
alamak, sakit perut ar plak.
lately, am bitching around not being a slut lar, but lotsa lepak2 n sisha.
sometime aiman tagging along with me.
so, takde ar rase bersalah sangat melepak-lepak n buang mase.
alamak, sakit perut ar plak.
Monday, September 22, 2008
i feel blessed today..
dunno why..
thank God for the blessing..
my weekn full wif fabulousity..
alaa, bukannye fabulous pe pun.
saturday, jejalan ngan aiman pegi klcc, window shopping and lepak lat playground biar die main sampai lebam..
then heading to carrefour w.maju, saje nak usha levi's nyer outlet kat situh,
tapi, org punye ar ramai nak mati, susah gile nak park keter.
end up, layan house of the dead kat arcade..hehe
pastuh gi setiawangsa, jejalan cari kueh kat pasar ramadan..
ngam2, balik sampai umah maktuk dah kul 7.. terus bukak puase..yeay..
and sunday..
sunday was bloomed wif luv..
one whole day, duduk lepak bercinte ngan hunky jek..
dah laa smlm ujan..
sejuk.. sgt best..
sib baik puase..ngeeeehehehehe...
oh, chenta!
n today..
hopefully today also blooming wif lotsa luv...
dunno why..
thank God for the blessing..
my weekn full wif fabulousity..
alaa, bukannye fabulous pe pun.
saturday, jejalan ngan aiman pegi klcc, window shopping and lepak lat playground biar die main sampai lebam..
then heading to carrefour w.maju, saje nak usha levi's nyer outlet kat situh,
tapi, org punye ar ramai nak mati, susah gile nak park keter.
end up, layan house of the dead kat arcade..hehe
pastuh gi setiawangsa, jejalan cari kueh kat pasar ramadan..
ngam2, balik sampai umah maktuk dah kul 7.. terus bukak puase..yeay..
and sunday..
sunday was bloomed wif luv..
one whole day, duduk lepak bercinte ngan hunky jek..
dah laa smlm ujan..
sejuk.. sgt best..
sib baik puase..ngeeeehehehehe...
oh, chenta!
n today..
hopefully today also blooming wif lotsa luv...
Friday, September 19, 2008
ngantuk nyerrrr...
ari ni after sahur aku tak tido ok..
dan kesan akibatnye, aku ngantuk gile skarang..
camner nak keje ni.. huhu~
well, 11 days to go before raye..
rase tak sabar pun ade.. rase cam tanak tinggal Ramadhan pun ade..
due tige hari ni, aku baru start to feel the soul of Ramadhan..
where i started to bace Quran everytime after subuh.
n yesterday is like a religious day to me, coz 3 waktu smayang, aku smayang kat masjid ok..
hehe, terase diri ini amat bagus..
well, i feel good bout myself, coz manage to do such things all over again..
setelah sekian lame tidak menjejakkan kaki ke masjid..
am doing great..hehe..
i miss terawih at masjid..
since having aiman, tak penah lagi terawih kat masjid..
buat kat rumah ade laa, setahun 3,4 kali, hehe..
am feeling very grateful..
anyway, today's friday..
n this friday, is my grateful day..
Thank God, for the blessing life..
be grateful ya..
dan kesan akibatnye, aku ngantuk gile skarang..
camner nak keje ni.. huhu~
well, 11 days to go before raye..
rase tak sabar pun ade.. rase cam tanak tinggal Ramadhan pun ade..
due tige hari ni, aku baru start to feel the soul of Ramadhan..
where i started to bace Quran everytime after subuh.
n yesterday is like a religious day to me, coz 3 waktu smayang, aku smayang kat masjid ok..
hehe, terase diri ini amat bagus..
well, i feel good bout myself, coz manage to do such things all over again..
setelah sekian lame tidak menjejakkan kaki ke masjid..
am doing great..hehe..
i miss terawih at masjid..
since having aiman, tak penah lagi terawih kat masjid..
buat kat rumah ade laa, setahun 3,4 kali, hehe..
am feeling very grateful..
anyway, today's friday..
n this friday, is my grateful day..
Thank God, for the blessing life..
be grateful ya..
Thursday, September 04, 2008
wonderpets sangat adorable..
aiman sangat suke tgk wondepets..
n i luv the theme so much..
ape ke motif nyer aku citer psal wonderpets..
aku pun tak tau..
sbenanye tgh habiskan mase, tak tau nak buatpe..
bukak youtube nyanyi lagu wonderpets..
sangat menggumbirakan aku..
eventually, i can't think straight now.
coz am so sleepy n tired.. n bored..
it's raining heavily outside..
n jez waiting for the clock to turn 4pm, so i can heading to pasar ramadan..
today, am planning to have the lasagna or macaroni cheese..
dekat pasar ramadan kat sini ade italian food ok..
and, rase die bleh tahan ar..
worth it laa, beli 4 ringgit jek compare to makan kat italian restoran ke..
ok rase nak makan lakse penang lak..
sbenarnye, aku tak tau nak makan pe ni..
rase cam nak makan, beli jek..
mesalahnye, kat pasar ramadan ni,memang ar macam2 ade..
tapi, sume yang ade tuh, takde ar sedap pun..
sewious ok..
takde yang sedap pun..
tapi nak buat camner..
beli je ar..
asalkan bleh makan, jadi ar..
nak plan nak beli ape lagi, for hunky speshly..
aiman sangat suke tgk wondepets..
n i luv the theme so much..
ape ke motif nyer aku citer psal wonderpets..
aku pun tak tau..
sbenanye tgh habiskan mase, tak tau nak buatpe..
bukak youtube nyanyi lagu wonderpets..
sangat menggumbirakan aku..
eventually, i can't think straight now.
coz am so sleepy n tired.. n bored..
it's raining heavily outside..
n jez waiting for the clock to turn 4pm, so i can heading to pasar ramadan..
today, am planning to have the lasagna or macaroni cheese..
dekat pasar ramadan kat sini ade italian food ok..
and, rase die bleh tahan ar..
worth it laa, beli 4 ringgit jek compare to makan kat italian restoran ke..
ok rase nak makan lakse penang lak..
sbenarnye, aku tak tau nak makan pe ni..
rase cam nak makan, beli jek..
mesalahnye, kat pasar ramadan ni,memang ar macam2 ade..
tapi, sume yang ade tuh, takde ar sedap pun..
sewious ok..
takde yang sedap pun..
tapi nak buat camner..
beli je ar..
asalkan bleh makan, jadi ar..
nak plan nak beli ape lagi, for hunky speshly..
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
well, ppl keep cerite having good time with their own mom.
but i dun really have a pure sweet memories with my ummi.
am kinda sad. n now, i do feel sad.
if only i cud breakaway from whatever things around me now.
jez left like that.
i feel sucks now.
the only happiness that can bring the smile in me, jez hunky.
i miss hunky alot.
it is so many time i've tried to think what the best for me.
but stil, i cudn't figure out what.
it sucks ok. sgt sucks.
coz everyone around me now, is jez trying to let me down.
and i cudn't find any single humanbeing who i can really trust and lean on..
not even hunky.. coz he's barely understand me..
am crushing down..
Ya Allah..
ampunkanlah aku..
but i dun really have a pure sweet memories with my ummi.
am kinda sad. n now, i do feel sad.
if only i cud breakaway from whatever things around me now.
jez left like that.
i feel sucks now.
the only happiness that can bring the smile in me, jez hunky.
i miss hunky alot.
it is so many time i've tried to think what the best for me.
but stil, i cudn't figure out what.
it sucks ok. sgt sucks.
coz everyone around me now, is jez trying to let me down.
and i cudn't find any single humanbeing who i can really trust and lean on..
not even hunky.. coz he's barely understand me..
am crushing down..
Ya Allah..
ampunkanlah aku..
Monday, August 25, 2008
i have a few blogs that am gonna read regularly.speshly miss chics, one hell funny lady. everytime read ppl blog, membuatkan aku rase cam nak blogging gak. tapi bile dah start type tekan2 keypad, mesti rase cam, malas nyer aku nak menaip.huhu~
lets talk bout books.. or novel...
i started to read english novel, mase dah nak abis skolah. n my fav books time tuh of coz from sydney sheldon.bleh dikatakan, 90% of his book aku bace sume. dulu2, aku ingatkan sydney sheldon ni pompuan tau. sebab buku die sume citer psal pompuan, rupe2 nyer die laki. dahlaa name sydney. name heroin fav aku dalam alias. hehe..
aku ingat lagi, after spm, aku spend my time everyday pegi library kat kota bharu.
menghabiskan mase berejam looking for books and aku akan bawak balik, sydney sheldon nyer buku yg satu buku tuh, ade tiga novel die bind skali. then, pinjam 3bind books dan terkemut2 pegang buku tuh naik bas balik umah. time tuh mule laa berase diri ini sgt hebat, meminjam english novel yg sgt tebal dan banyak n sume org pandang aku dengan pandangan 'apahal-budak-ni?'.. hehehe..
bile dekat ukm, i was really fond with chrichton's books. aku dah lupe ape cite yg aku dah bace. yg aku ingat, timeline, airframe n ade satu citer yg best tapi aku dah lupe ape tajuk die. chrichton's nyer buku dah banyak jadi movie cam jurassic park and timeline. my fav of all, timeline.. sape nak pinjam, aku ade buku tuh.hardcover lagi. tapi citer tuh banyak citer psal physics quantum, so anyone who not really into physics stuf, aku tak rekomen ar.
anyway, since kecik2 lagi. am such a library freak. i luv library. aku banyak gile jadi membe dekat public library. speshly, perpustakaan negara of coz, Bangi public library, Kelantan Public library yea jugak dan sewaktu dengannyer. kalo sape2 tau kat mane lagi ade public library, jangan malu2 bagitau aku yek.
becoz am such a library freak, aku tak penah beli buku sdiri. slalu pinjam kot org. kecuali ade sale dekat ukm, buku hard cover jual less than RM12, sgt murah ok.. time tuh laa aku rajin membeli buku. tuhpun buku yg best2 tak banyak sgt, sebab sume org dah beli. so, keje aku meminjam jelaa. yg slalu jadi mangse, adalah kakak ipar aku yg ayu itu, name pun seri rahayu. org nyer memang ayu dan berbudi bahase. also a book freak.yeay.. most recent book yg aku bace.. sydney sheldon's if tomorrow comes. ni pun ntah brape kali dah aku bace, aku pun tak ingat dah sgt die nyer jalan citer.hehe..
so, babe..
ade buku best, kasi pinjam laa kat aku yek..
lets talk bout books.. or novel...
i started to read english novel, mase dah nak abis skolah. n my fav books time tuh of coz from sydney sheldon.bleh dikatakan, 90% of his book aku bace sume. dulu2, aku ingatkan sydney sheldon ni pompuan tau. sebab buku die sume citer psal pompuan, rupe2 nyer die laki. dahlaa name sydney. name heroin fav aku dalam alias. hehe..
aku ingat lagi, after spm, aku spend my time everyday pegi library kat kota bharu.
menghabiskan mase berejam looking for books and aku akan bawak balik, sydney sheldon nyer buku yg satu buku tuh, ade tiga novel die bind skali. then, pinjam 3bind books dan terkemut2 pegang buku tuh naik bas balik umah. time tuh mule laa berase diri ini sgt hebat, meminjam english novel yg sgt tebal dan banyak n sume org pandang aku dengan pandangan 'apahal-budak-ni?'.. hehehe..
bile dekat ukm, i was really fond with chrichton's books. aku dah lupe ape cite yg aku dah bace. yg aku ingat, timeline, airframe n ade satu citer yg best tapi aku dah lupe ape tajuk die. chrichton's nyer buku dah banyak jadi movie cam jurassic park and timeline. my fav of all, timeline.. sape nak pinjam, aku ade buku tuh.hardcover lagi. tapi citer tuh banyak citer psal physics quantum, so anyone who not really into physics stuf, aku tak rekomen ar.
anyway, since kecik2 lagi. am such a library freak. i luv library. aku banyak gile jadi membe dekat public library. speshly, perpustakaan negara of coz, Bangi public library, Kelantan Public library yea jugak dan sewaktu dengannyer. kalo sape2 tau kat mane lagi ade public library, jangan malu2 bagitau aku yek.
becoz am such a library freak, aku tak penah beli buku sdiri. slalu pinjam kot org. kecuali ade sale dekat ukm, buku hard cover jual less than RM12, sgt murah ok.. time tuh laa aku rajin membeli buku. tuhpun buku yg best2 tak banyak sgt, sebab sume org dah beli. so, keje aku meminjam jelaa. yg slalu jadi mangse, adalah kakak ipar aku yg ayu itu, name pun seri rahayu. org nyer memang ayu dan berbudi bahase. also a book freak.yeay.. most recent book yg aku bace.. sydney sheldon's if tomorrow comes. ni pun ntah brape kali dah aku bace, aku pun tak ingat dah sgt die nyer jalan citer.hehe..
so, babe..
ade buku best, kasi pinjam laa kat aku yek..
Friday, August 15, 2008
compliment day..
i was starting wif a really good mood..
but, it's starting to screw up, a bit n a bit..
coz, hell.. i'm alone in this creepy crawly office..
well, this office not that creepy anyway, i jez hate spending my time alone.
don't u think it's kinda sux?
hell yeah..
dah laa my ear today macam agak tersumbat..
as tersumbat like u bawak kereta naik bukit yg sgt tinggi.
macam kite kat a lower pressure atmosphere, macam kat atas gunung2.
adakah telinga aku ini sangat tidak betul, atau ianya sekadar ingi berada di atas gunung ganag.. huhuu.. gedik ar telinge aku ni..
lately, spending my time alot on mobster at myspace..
sgt best..
aku nyer mobs dah 600+.. tapi cam tak gune gak, coz mobs limit to 500 jek..
so takde gune ar tambah lebih2.. menyemak kat aku nyer frenlist jek..
sambil2 tuh, sgt suke membeli belah human pet..
dan aku sgt suke menjadi pet.. dan terase diri ini agak glamor.. yeay~
rase sux again.. huhu~
its oklor..
ptg ni balik kg..
i can't wait..
trip to kg.. sounds really great..
but, it's starting to screw up, a bit n a bit..
coz, hell.. i'm alone in this creepy crawly office..
well, this office not that creepy anyway, i jez hate spending my time alone.
don't u think it's kinda sux?
hell yeah..
dah laa my ear today macam agak tersumbat..
as tersumbat like u bawak kereta naik bukit yg sgt tinggi.
macam kite kat a lower pressure atmosphere, macam kat atas gunung2.
adakah telinga aku ini sangat tidak betul, atau ianya sekadar ingi berada di atas gunung ganag.. huhuu.. gedik ar telinge aku ni..
lately, spending my time alot on mobster at myspace..
sgt best..
aku nyer mobs dah 600+.. tapi cam tak gune gak, coz mobs limit to 500 jek..
so takde gune ar tambah lebih2.. menyemak kat aku nyer frenlist jek..
sambil2 tuh, sgt suke membeli belah human pet..
dan aku sgt suke menjadi pet.. dan terase diri ini agak glamor.. yeay~
rase sux again.. huhu~
its oklor..
ptg ni balik kg..
i can't wait..
trip to kg.. sounds really great..
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
am still frozen here. not going anywhere.
sangat sux, coz nothing interesting occur lately..
but, am kinda happy wif my love life.. *and my sex life also =)*
am such a happy wife.. weee~
rase cam nak tukar keje..
tapi tgh pikir, what kind of kejer i shud switch to..
am consider being a unit trust agent, kalo buat unit trust bebetul, bleh cepat dapat duit.. so, wif sum money, i can do anything i wish for..
like taking courses in fine arts or graphic design, or photography..
humm... menarik jugak tuh..
ok, another option perhaps?
gov servant..?
err.. am not sure laa about that..
tho, being in gov, ur job will be 99% secure..
but.. ur life will be routine.. and.. i don't know..
it's jez dun interest me..
anything else..? humm..?
graphic design?
well, i jez have a really basic knowledge bout design..
i dun think i confident enough doing that kind of job...
but' i wud really luv to try..
what kind of job i want..?
humm~ tgh pikir ar ni..
sangat sux, coz nothing interesting occur lately..
but, am kinda happy wif my love life.. *and my sex life also =)*
am such a happy wife.. weee~
rase cam nak tukar keje..
tapi tgh pikir, what kind of kejer i shud switch to..
am consider being a unit trust agent, kalo buat unit trust bebetul, bleh cepat dapat duit.. so, wif sum money, i can do anything i wish for..
like taking courses in fine arts or graphic design, or photography..
humm... menarik jugak tuh..
ok, another option perhaps?
gov servant..?
err.. am not sure laa about that..
tho, being in gov, ur job will be 99% secure..
but.. ur life will be routine.. and.. i don't know..
it's jez dun interest me..
anything else..? humm..?
graphic design?
well, i jez have a really basic knowledge bout design..
i dun think i confident enough doing that kind of job...
but' i wud really luv to try..
what kind of job i want..?
humm~ tgh pikir ar ni..
Friday, July 25, 2008
life sux..
life kinda not that interesting lately..
but am still survive.. no worry..
am kinda have the urge to meet and getting know sum new ppl..
making new friend..
even sum makcik in shopping mall or pasar would do..
i don't know why..
i luv ppl who honest and so truthful with their life..
sometime, when looking at them, tho they jez jual sayur at pasar..
but they have the aku-sangat-gembira-dgn-hidup-aku look..
n they jez can't stop smiling..
if only i cud feel that way....
all my life, i've been thru such a complicated life..
i dun know why..
my childhood kinda normal..
but becoz the mulfunction relationship between me and my parents, speshly my dad..
turn me into such a trouble maker..
am always in trouble.. no matter what..
how can i do to straight things up, so there's no more trouble in my life..
no more susah hati..
no more "ape aku nak buat ni.."
banyak lah no more nyer..
so how ar..
shud take some time, n thinking..
think alot..
today there wud be another jogging session..
talking bout jogging..
aku sangt suke berjogging lately..
coz my fav jogging spot ade seorang anak ikan yg extremely hot n good looking.. phew~
bukan aku nak menggatal ok, tapi sekadar cuci mate..
at that park.. i'm the only chic yg jog kat situh, yg lain sumer aunty2 and uncle berserta beberape org apek..
and suddenly, a past few day, this hot looking anak ikan dtg jogging kat sini..
oh chenta..!
everytime die muncul, aku akan tersenyum tersipu-sipu seorang diri..
namenyer syok sdiri ar.. coz he dun even look at me..
sblah mate pun tak,ok..hehe..
alaa no worry laa.. he probably 10 years younger than me..
oh, adakah aku begitu tue..?
makne nyer.. budak tuh kemungkinan besar adelah budak skolah..
tapi die extremely tall.. and his look.. gulp!~
stakat cuci mate bleh laa..
oklaa tuh, dapat jogging n cuci mate..
ok what..
but am still survive.. no worry..
am kinda have the urge to meet and getting know sum new ppl..
making new friend..
even sum makcik in shopping mall or pasar would do..
i don't know why..
i luv ppl who honest and so truthful with their life..
sometime, when looking at them, tho they jez jual sayur at pasar..
but they have the aku-sangat-gembira-dgn-hidup-aku look..
n they jez can't stop smiling..
if only i cud feel that way....
all my life, i've been thru such a complicated life..
i dun know why..
my childhood kinda normal..
but becoz the mulfunction relationship between me and my parents, speshly my dad..
turn me into such a trouble maker..
am always in trouble.. no matter what..
how can i do to straight things up, so there's no more trouble in my life..
no more susah hati..
no more "ape aku nak buat ni.."
banyak lah no more nyer..
so how ar..
shud take some time, n thinking..
think alot..
today there wud be another jogging session..
talking bout jogging..
aku sangt suke berjogging lately..
coz my fav jogging spot ade seorang anak ikan yg extremely hot n good looking.. phew~
bukan aku nak menggatal ok, tapi sekadar cuci mate..
at that park.. i'm the only chic yg jog kat situh, yg lain sumer aunty2 and uncle berserta beberape org apek..
and suddenly, a past few day, this hot looking anak ikan dtg jogging kat sini..
oh chenta..!
everytime die muncul, aku akan tersenyum tersipu-sipu seorang diri..
namenyer syok sdiri ar.. coz he dun even look at me..
sblah mate pun tak,ok..hehe..
alaa no worry laa.. he probably 10 years younger than me..
oh, adakah aku begitu tue..?
makne nyer.. budak tuh kemungkinan besar adelah budak skolah..
tapi die extremely tall.. and his look.. gulp!~
stakat cuci mate bleh laa..
oklaa tuh, dapat jogging n cuci mate..
ok what..
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
do u ever know somebody yg always being paranoid..
susah jugak nak handle org paranoid..
i mean paranoid dengan sumer bende..
oklaa, kekadang aku sdiri pun paranoid jugak..
speshly bile hunky everyday kluar mlm after keje..
mesti ar aku paranoid..
tapi, kalo orang dah paranoid dengan something yang sangat unreasonable..
adelah sangat sucks..
ok, sekarang aku tgh menghadapi seorang perempuan, yang sangat paranoid dengan aku coz die ingat aku ade affair ngan anak die..
bukan die tak tau aku dah ade laki n anak..
n die rase camtuh coz die dengar buah mulut from a sonofbitch yang sangat fucking loser, dan aku tak tau nape sonofbitch dengki sangat ngan aku..
rase cam sial jek..
huh, sux gile..
dah laa hari ni, such a very bad day to me..
si hitam tuh tanak hidup..
that kid fetch aku kat umah.. no worry, hunky knows..
rase sangat sux n mengantuk gile
tak tau nape..
whatever it is..
better leave for zohor..
God bless us..
susah jugak nak handle org paranoid..
i mean paranoid dengan sumer bende..
oklaa, kekadang aku sdiri pun paranoid jugak..
speshly bile hunky everyday kluar mlm after keje..
mesti ar aku paranoid..
tapi, kalo orang dah paranoid dengan something yang sangat unreasonable..
adelah sangat sucks..
ok, sekarang aku tgh menghadapi seorang perempuan, yang sangat paranoid dengan aku coz die ingat aku ade affair ngan anak die..
bukan die tak tau aku dah ade laki n anak..
n die rase camtuh coz die dengar buah mulut from a sonofbitch yang sangat fucking loser, dan aku tak tau nape sonofbitch dengki sangat ngan aku..
rase cam sial jek..
huh, sux gile..
dah laa hari ni, such a very bad day to me..
si hitam tuh tanak hidup..
that kid fetch aku kat umah.. no worry, hunky knows..
rase sangat sux n mengantuk gile
tak tau nape..
whatever it is..
better leave for zohor..
God bless us..
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
saye and I
since last nite, i dok scan gambar2 lame i since skolah, matriks and mase kat ukm..
tapi i lupe plak nak bawak dtg ofis, so i bleh upload kat i nyer frenster..
tapi pagi tadi i tgh slongkar barang i, i terjumpe laa cd yg ade mark, pics 2003..
so i pun bukak tengoklaa.. banyaknyer gambar i yang i dah lame tak tgk..
tapi sume tuh gambar i mase kat ukm..
mase i 3rd year kot..
mase tgh bercinte ngan that fariz fucker..
n still be friend with that betine..(want to use the word bitch, but am calling my babe bitch.. so, betine is kinda sesuai laa yer..)
but still, am so glad am found that cd..
ops, tercakap omputih laa..
i sangat laa suke dapat jumpe cd tuh..
banyak gambar i mase kat urusetia kerjaye..
mase jadi budak2 nakal dan berkawan ngan kanak-kanak yang tidak matang..
adalah sangat menghiburkan.. wee!
i sangat rindu pada saat2 itu..
teringin jugak nak jumpe kawan2 lame i..
tapi i rase dah ramai yang dah ade laki macam i..
so, kebarangkalian nak jumpe ramai2 smule adalah sangat tipis..
ape2 pun, i sangat gumbira kalau they all sume dapat berkumpul kat bilik UK kat bawah tuh.. tapi malangnye bilik uk pun dah pindah kat atas..
sampai skarang i dah tak jumpe budak2 tuh lagi..
al maklumlah, i kan dah ade laki and anak bujang..
so i busy laa sket.. nak buat camner..
tanggungjawab i laa kan..
oklaa, i dah letih nak menggedik..
nak kene menyambut seruan Tuhan, pegi smayang zohor..
so i mintak diri dulu..
tapi i lupe plak nak bawak dtg ofis, so i bleh upload kat i nyer frenster..
tapi pagi tadi i tgh slongkar barang i, i terjumpe laa cd yg ade mark, pics 2003..
so i pun bukak tengoklaa.. banyaknyer gambar i yang i dah lame tak tgk..
tapi sume tuh gambar i mase kat ukm..
mase i 3rd year kot..
mase tgh bercinte ngan that fariz fucker..
n still be friend with that betine..(want to use the word bitch, but am calling my babe bitch.. so, betine is kinda sesuai laa yer..)
but still, am so glad am found that cd..
ops, tercakap omputih laa..
i sangat laa suke dapat jumpe cd tuh..
banyak gambar i mase kat urusetia kerjaye..
mase jadi budak2 nakal dan berkawan ngan kanak-kanak yang tidak matang..
adalah sangat menghiburkan.. wee!
i sangat rindu pada saat2 itu..
teringin jugak nak jumpe kawan2 lame i..
tapi i rase dah ramai yang dah ade laki macam i..
so, kebarangkalian nak jumpe ramai2 smule adalah sangat tipis..
ape2 pun, i sangat gumbira kalau they all sume dapat berkumpul kat bilik UK kat bawah tuh.. tapi malangnye bilik uk pun dah pindah kat atas..
sampai skarang i dah tak jumpe budak2 tuh lagi..
al maklumlah, i kan dah ade laki and anak bujang..
so i busy laa sket.. nak buat camner..
tanggungjawab i laa kan..
oklaa, i dah letih nak menggedik..
nak kene menyambut seruan Tuhan, pegi smayang zohor..
so i mintak diri dulu..
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
am feeling sux. the hormon in me really screw my mood coz i haven't bleeding for two months. so sux! no, am not pregnant, coz am already did the UPT, it's negative k.
i really need to indulge myself wif yummy creamy good food, but the gaji tak dapat lagi. sux lagi. i need to pamper myself, need a new pair of shoes, a black pump perhaps. a new handbag and a couple of blouse and dress. thats really make up my mood. but, hell macam laa aku dapat beli sume bende tuh skarang. arghh! sangat sux!
and i have zits all over my face. WTF!!!???
nie sume the sucking hormon nyer pasal. screw up everything.
so, what am gonna do now. sucking my feeling..? huh!
i need to listen to the bitch song.. yaa.. i think so..
i really need to indulge myself wif yummy creamy good food, but the gaji tak dapat lagi. sux lagi. i need to pamper myself, need a new pair of shoes, a black pump perhaps. a new handbag and a couple of blouse and dress. thats really make up my mood. but, hell macam laa aku dapat beli sume bende tuh skarang. arghh! sangat sux!
and i have zits all over my face. WTF!!!???
nie sume the sucking hormon nyer pasal. screw up everything.
so, what am gonna do now. sucking my feeling..? huh!
i need to listen to the bitch song.. yaa.. i think so..
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
stop worrying..
i wanna stop worrying for something impossible..
coz now, i have to start thinking how am gonna move on..
do something in my life.
thanx to him, coz he change my mind perspective.
dream big.. and make a plan to grab the opportunity.
so in future, you can have what you've been dreaming of.
have some faith in yourself and God..
InsyaAllah.. things will be working out jez the way you want..
sounds easy, but i know it's not that simple.
but if u jez dream and stay at the same spot, you won't go anywhere also..
so take a small step ahead, and be gradually move forward..
before i realize this..
am also the one who love to dream big..
but i keep making excuse i can't do this, do that..
basically, i was going nowhere..
remember the song, Stop & Stare by One Republic
"Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're 'here' not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
can u see what I see"
that song, really remind me of what i am now..
i feel like i move on..
but sadly, i am at the same spot for years..
i think, this is really the time that i should take a small step ahead..
look and move forward..
best of luck to me..
and a big gratitude for those special persons in my life..
for hunky, for being my soulmate..
for aiman, my sugar candy
for friends who always be there for me..
thanx babes, for everything..
and to God.. for the blessing and a good life..
coz now, i have to start thinking how am gonna move on..
do something in my life.
thanx to him, coz he change my mind perspective.
dream big.. and make a plan to grab the opportunity.
so in future, you can have what you've been dreaming of.
have some faith in yourself and God..
InsyaAllah.. things will be working out jez the way you want..
sounds easy, but i know it's not that simple.
but if u jez dream and stay at the same spot, you won't go anywhere also..
so take a small step ahead, and be gradually move forward..
before i realize this..
am also the one who love to dream big..
but i keep making excuse i can't do this, do that..
basically, i was going nowhere..
remember the song, Stop & Stare by One Republic
"Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're 'here' not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
can u see what I see"
that song, really remind me of what i am now..
i feel like i move on..
but sadly, i am at the same spot for years..
i think, this is really the time that i should take a small step ahead..
look and move forward..
best of luck to me..
and a big gratitude for those special persons in my life..
for hunky, for being my soulmate..
for aiman, my sugar candy
for friends who always be there for me..
thanx babes, for everything..
and to God.. for the blessing and a good life..
be love
when i'm growing old..
i wanna be a parent who is lovable and being adored and loved so much by my kid..
i don't wanna make it hard to make them to love me..
you must wondering why in the world am saying such thing..?
it is because..
i have a father that it is so *u**ing hard to love him..
because part of me, i hate him so much..
the other part of me realize, no matter what or how sux he could be..
i have to show sum love and give so much respect to him..
but how the hell i can give him for something he don't deserve..
after all those thing he did to me and my family..
after he screw everyone's life..
everyone, mean everyone..
myself, my mom, my brother, my grandparets, my pakcik, my makcik, my cousins..
everyone ok.. every single person who know him..
that's why, am barely talking bout my dad..
n i don't wanna introduce him to anyone..
coz am afraid as if, in near future he's gonna screw your life too..
am not trying to 'membuka pekung di dada' or what..
it is jez that, he really let me down..
and make me so hard to love him..
and the worst part is, he never realize how he has hurt so many people..
people who used to love him and care about him..
and the love they had, has turn into hate..
me as his daughter, i'm suffered like hell..
and can u imagine what's my mom feeling for being his wife..
well, i couldn't imagine myself in my mom shoes..
so.. anyone..
anyone out there who read this..
when you're getting older..
and have a kids..
am begging..
please don't be someone like..
someone like i mention above..
be a good parent to your kids..
love them unconditionally..
and make them love you the way you are..
i vow to myself, i wanna be nothing like my father..
nothing like him..
i do love him, coz for God sake, he's my dad!
but.. it's hurt.. it's damn hurt..
to have a father like him..
i wish he would realize his mistake..
and stop screwing anyone's life...
stop screwing my life..
please stop it, abah..
i wanna be a parent who is lovable and being adored and loved so much by my kid..
i don't wanna make it hard to make them to love me..
you must wondering why in the world am saying such thing..?
it is because..
i have a father that it is so *u**ing hard to love him..
because part of me, i hate him so much..
the other part of me realize, no matter what or how sux he could be..
i have to show sum love and give so much respect to him..
but how the hell i can give him for something he don't deserve..
after all those thing he did to me and my family..
after he screw everyone's life..
everyone, mean everyone..
myself, my mom, my brother, my grandparets, my pakcik, my makcik, my cousins..
everyone ok.. every single person who know him..
that's why, am barely talking bout my dad..
n i don't wanna introduce him to anyone..
coz am afraid as if, in near future he's gonna screw your life too..
am not trying to 'membuka pekung di dada' or what..
it is jez that, he really let me down..
and make me so hard to love him..
and the worst part is, he never realize how he has hurt so many people..
people who used to love him and care about him..
and the love they had, has turn into hate..
me as his daughter, i'm suffered like hell..
and can u imagine what's my mom feeling for being his wife..
well, i couldn't imagine myself in my mom shoes..
so.. anyone..
anyone out there who read this..
when you're getting older..
and have a kids..
am begging..
please don't be someone like..
someone like i mention above..
be a good parent to your kids..
love them unconditionally..
and make them love you the way you are..
i vow to myself, i wanna be nothing like my father..
nothing like him..
i do love him, coz for God sake, he's my dad!
but.. it's hurt.. it's damn hurt..
to have a father like him..
i wish he would realize his mistake..
and stop screwing anyone's life...
stop screwing my life..
please stop it, abah..
Thursday, June 19, 2008
dipping the carbonara
carbonara at that cafe is so setap tahap cipan..
makes me feel full like hell..
i jez finish watching the sisterhood of traveling pant

muvi ni sangat best..
thos its all about 17years ol teenage..
but for me it's kinda inspiring and sweet..
ok, lemme brief u what's that muvi is all about..
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants brings to the screen Ann Brashares’ best-selling novel about one very special summer in the lives of four lifelong friends.
Introduced as babies who were born to mothers who met in a prenatal aerobics class, the four grew up together and developed an enduring bond despite their distinctly different emerging personalities. Now, after years of sharing every triumph and loss, every wild idea and secret fear with the laughter and love of true friends, these four young women couldn’t be closer… except that they’re about to be separated as their lives take them in different directions for the first time.
Introspective and occasionally volatile Carmen (AMERICA FERRERA) is looking forward to spending quality time with her out-of-state dad, whom she hasn’t seen much since he divorced her mother years ago; super-confident star athlete Bridget (BLAKE LIVELY) is heading for a soccer camp in Mexico; soft-spoken Lena (ALEXIS BLEDEL), a gifted artist as beautiful as her drawings, is set to discover her heritage – and an unexpected romance – on a trip to her grandparents’ home in Greece; and sharp-witted rebel Tibby (AMBER TAMBLYN) will reluctantly remain in town, stocking shelves at the local discount store while working on her pet project, a video “suckumentary” to expose what she sees as the banality of everyday life.
On a shopping trip together the day before their paths diverge, the friends find a pair of thrift-shop jeans that amazingly fits and flatters each one of them perfectly, even though they are four young women of very different shapes and sizes. It seems these pants are meant for sharing and that gives Carmen, Bridget, Lena and Tibby a wonderful idea. They decide to use the pants as a way of keeping in touch during the months ahead, each one wearing them for a week to see what luck they bring before mailing them on to the next.
In this unique way, though miles apart, the four still experience the challenges and surprises of life as they always have – together – in a summer they’ll never forget.
ok, the sypnosis above is jez a copy n paste from the official site..
and dalam muvi ni, ade america farera, the ugly betty..
ade amber tamblyn, the chic from desperate housewives (bree's slutty daughter) and alexis bledel from gilmore girls..
from sypnosis, citer tuh sound very cliche n predictable..
tapi, for me.. it's kinda inspiring..
it makes me realize, sometimes we have to look the world in some different ways and different view..
sometime, the real big problem is jez a really small matter to the other person, but for you, it is like going to be the end of the world..
sebab tulah, kekadang we need to be very optimist, evaluate every single thing we do in our life..
bab kate orang, muhasabah diri..
so barulah kite bleh, live life to the fullest.. tul tak?
what i am crapping about..? aku pun tak tau..
but, the muvi really makes me stop n think what am i doing with my life now..?
so baby, i jez can't wait for the sisterhood of traveling pants 2..
makes me feel full like hell..
i jez finish watching the sisterhood of traveling pant
muvi ni sangat best..
thos its all about 17years ol teenage..
but for me it's kinda inspiring and sweet..
ok, lemme brief u what's that muvi is all about..
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants brings to the screen Ann Brashares’ best-selling novel about one very special summer in the lives of four lifelong friends.
Introduced as babies who were born to mothers who met in a prenatal aerobics class, the four grew up together and developed an enduring bond despite their distinctly different emerging personalities. Now, after years of sharing every triumph and loss, every wild idea and secret fear with the laughter and love of true friends, these four young women couldn’t be closer… except that they’re about to be separated as their lives take them in different directions for the first time.
Introspective and occasionally volatile Carmen (AMERICA FERRERA) is looking forward to spending quality time with her out-of-state dad, whom she hasn’t seen much since he divorced her mother years ago; super-confident star athlete Bridget (BLAKE LIVELY) is heading for a soccer camp in Mexico; soft-spoken Lena (ALEXIS BLEDEL), a gifted artist as beautiful as her drawings, is set to discover her heritage – and an unexpected romance – on a trip to her grandparents’ home in Greece; and sharp-witted rebel Tibby (AMBER TAMBLYN) will reluctantly remain in town, stocking shelves at the local discount store while working on her pet project, a video “suckumentary” to expose what she sees as the banality of everyday life.
On a shopping trip together the day before their paths diverge, the friends find a pair of thrift-shop jeans that amazingly fits and flatters each one of them perfectly, even though they are four young women of very different shapes and sizes. It seems these pants are meant for sharing and that gives Carmen, Bridget, Lena and Tibby a wonderful idea. They decide to use the pants as a way of keeping in touch during the months ahead, each one wearing them for a week to see what luck they bring before mailing them on to the next.
In this unique way, though miles apart, the four still experience the challenges and surprises of life as they always have – together – in a summer they’ll never forget.
ok, the sypnosis above is jez a copy n paste from the official site..
and dalam muvi ni, ade america farera, the ugly betty..
ade amber tamblyn, the chic from desperate housewives (bree's slutty daughter) and alexis bledel from gilmore girls..
from sypnosis, citer tuh sound very cliche n predictable..
tapi, for me.. it's kinda inspiring..
it makes me realize, sometimes we have to look the world in some different ways and different view..
sometime, the real big problem is jez a really small matter to the other person, but for you, it is like going to be the end of the world..
sebab tulah, kekadang we need to be very optimist, evaluate every single thing we do in our life..
bab kate orang, muhasabah diri..
so barulah kite bleh, live life to the fullest.. tul tak?
what i am crapping about..? aku pun tak tau..
but, the muvi really makes me stop n think what am i doing with my life now..?
so baby, i jez can't wait for the sisterhood of traveling pants 2..
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
stop.. n staring..
am kinda jez staring at my path now..
and feeling empty..
life is so normal, and very routine..
and it's bored me to hell..
my brain stoned, i jez do nothing and keep thinking, what am gonna do now..
i need to do sumthing..
and what crossing my mind now..
is rock..
rock climbing..
and feeling empty..
life is so normal, and very routine..
and it's bored me to hell..
my brain stoned, i jez do nothing and keep thinking, what am gonna do now..
i need to do sumthing..
and what crossing my mind now..
is rock..
rock climbing..
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
work out
i wanna start to work out again..
yaa, i did start yesterday, but today..
i wanna start work out, to shape my ass and to get my biceps back like 4 years ago..
so am gonna look more gorgeous and plus more confident..
n am gonna be so sewonok..
last month, not attending Ain's wedding makes me guilty like hell..
die dah laa attend aku nyer wedding dulu, jauh dr KL ke klantan plak tuh..
ni, umah die dekat wangsa maju pun aku tak attend..
am not attend it coz, die takde msg aku ke ape ke..
tuh cam aku buat senyap jek..
tapi rase bersalah ar plak..
and today, am not sure what am gonna do to add more spark to my day..
beside the regular workload, am not sure what a retard stupid i can do..
lets figure out sumthing k..
yaa, i did start yesterday, but today..
i wanna start work out, to shape my ass and to get my biceps back like 4 years ago..
so am gonna look more gorgeous and plus more confident..
n am gonna be so sewonok..
last month, not attending Ain's wedding makes me guilty like hell..
die dah laa attend aku nyer wedding dulu, jauh dr KL ke klantan plak tuh..
ni, umah die dekat wangsa maju pun aku tak attend..
am not attend it coz, die takde msg aku ke ape ke..
tuh cam aku buat senyap jek..
tapi rase bersalah ar plak..
and today, am not sure what am gonna do to add more spark to my day..
beside the regular workload, am not sure what a retard stupid i can do..
lets figure out sumthing k..
Friday, June 06, 2008
getting skinny
guess what, aku telah berjaya menjadi agak skinny..
mane tak berjaye nyer, hari2 makan skali sari jek..
mesti ar kurus.. huuumm..
but the bad news is, all my jeans are getting loosen..
huhu, tak best coz only got one jeans yg muat2..
yg lain sume dah terlondeh..
terpakse beli baru..
my mood today kinda ok, but being alone here..
freezing my brain..
so i need to find sumthing can stimulate my mind..
tapi masalahnyer..
aku sangat malas...
mane tak berjaye nyer, hari2 makan skali sari jek..
mesti ar kurus.. huuumm..
but the bad news is, all my jeans are getting loosen..
huhu, tak best coz only got one jeans yg muat2..
yg lain sume dah terlondeh..
terpakse beli baru..
my mood today kinda ok, but being alone here..
freezing my brain..
so i need to find sumthing can stimulate my mind..
tapi masalahnyer..
aku sangat malas...
Friday, May 23, 2008
wanna be skinny..
i wanna be skinny..
goddem skinny
like used to be
macam dulu, macam dalam gambar ni..

best nyer skinny
kaki nampak panjang
tulang pipi nampak tinggi
skarang macam dah montok gile..
i wanna be skinny
i dun care, boobs aku jadi kecik ke
butt aku mengecut ke
aku nak kurus! nak kurus!
my plan to get kurus
n drink lotsa water..
goddem skinny
like used to be
macam dulu, macam dalam gambar ni..
best nyer skinny
kaki nampak panjang
tulang pipi nampak tinggi
skarang macam dah montok gile..
i wanna be skinny
i dun care, boobs aku jadi kecik ke
butt aku mengecut ke
aku nak kurus! nak kurus!
my plan to get kurus
n drink lotsa water..
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
boys will be boys..
it was hell fun..
dem farking fun!
yesterday we are heading to PD.. the unplanned picnic..
at first, it was really miserable time wif me coz am freaking tired, pegi plak picnic yg unplanned.. dekat pd plak tuh, n people there sangat laa ramai, ye lor, piblic holiday meh, mestilaa bapak ramai..
sampai je, they all terus start to fire up the bbq n makan2..
after makan, heading to the beach.. yeahhaaa!
tapi swimming at the beach adalah sangat tidak best..
coz the water is really salty and makes my skin burrrnnnn...
later, zahir rent the kayak..
and we started kayaking bergilir-gilir..
n when my turn come, hunky tanak naik kayak..
huhuuu, apelaa hunky ni, sgt tak best. at last i ride wif kepang..
kepang was so sweet, we talk n borak2 sambil paddling the kayak, huhu best..
that's my first time kayaking at the sea..
yelor..bukan slalunyer org naik kayak kat tasik ke..
pas berkayak2.. makan lagi.. then, banana boat time! yeah!
that's also my first time ride on banana boat..
and banana boat, was farking nice boat..
sangat best, sangat freaky and thrilling..
bile tgh syok ride on the boat, suddenly boat terbalik n sume org jatuh..
the worst part is, kalo ko jatuh dan tetibe kaki org depan dan belakang ko terkene kat kepala/belakang/dada/leher.. adus.. sakit gile..
so do i, my ribs was kicked by hunky, n my leher ntah kaki sape ntah singgah kat leher aku ni.. dan akibatnya.. satu malam tak leh tido, dan sampai ari ni, aku tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnye menoleh ke kiri-dan ke kanan.. isk.. sakit..
but it's really worth of sakit..
tho pd is not the best beach ever,
but the bbq, the people, the kayak and the banana boat adalah sangat best gile..
am happy.. =)
dem farking fun!
yesterday we are heading to PD.. the unplanned picnic..
at first, it was really miserable time wif me coz am freaking tired, pegi plak picnic yg unplanned.. dekat pd plak tuh, n people there sangat laa ramai, ye lor, piblic holiday meh, mestilaa bapak ramai..
sampai je, they all terus start to fire up the bbq n makan2..
after makan, heading to the beach.. yeahhaaa!
tapi swimming at the beach adalah sangat tidak best..
coz the water is really salty and makes my skin burrrnnnn...
later, zahir rent the kayak..
and we started kayaking bergilir-gilir..
n when my turn come, hunky tanak naik kayak..
huhuuu, apelaa hunky ni, sgt tak best. at last i ride wif kepang..
kepang was so sweet, we talk n borak2 sambil paddling the kayak, huhu best..
that's my first time kayaking at the sea..
yelor..bukan slalunyer org naik kayak kat tasik ke..
pas berkayak2.. makan lagi.. then, banana boat time! yeah!
that's also my first time ride on banana boat..
and banana boat, was farking nice boat..
sangat best, sangat freaky and thrilling..
bile tgh syok ride on the boat, suddenly boat terbalik n sume org jatuh..
the worst part is, kalo ko jatuh dan tetibe kaki org depan dan belakang ko terkene kat kepala/belakang/dada/leher.. adus.. sakit gile..
so do i, my ribs was kicked by hunky, n my leher ntah kaki sape ntah singgah kat leher aku ni.. dan akibatnya.. satu malam tak leh tido, dan sampai ari ni, aku tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnye menoleh ke kiri-dan ke kanan.. isk.. sakit..
but it's really worth of sakit..
tho pd is not the best beach ever,
but the bbq, the people, the kayak and the banana boat adalah sangat best gile..
am happy.. =)
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
this past few days, my life a bit bored coz my big boss had a heart attack last weekn, and has been hospitalized till today. so that kid ain't around, only me in the office..
so, when u r alone in the office, the energy level is so sux n adalah sangat tidak produktif. am trying to kill time wif lotsa things, n my fav time killing is.. snoozzzzze.. hehe.. gile tak produktif..
but today, am already decide to be more proactive, by doing research n do lotsa reading about my job. gambate!
aku jugak teringin cam nak painting and drawing..
am good at drawing, but i haven't done it for more than 10years. lame tuh. n i start to realize my drawing skill start to fade away, skit..sikit..
umm.. am thinking of taking courses in fine art..
tapi tak de mase, plus tak cukup bajet..
huuu~ alangkah bagus nyer aku dapat amik klas art..
bestnyer..! =) *wink..wink*
takpe, one day.. the day will come..
continue later..
so, when u r alone in the office, the energy level is so sux n adalah sangat tidak produktif. am trying to kill time wif lotsa things, n my fav time killing is.. snoozzzzze.. hehe.. gile tak produktif..
but today, am already decide to be more proactive, by doing research n do lotsa reading about my job. gambate!
aku jugak teringin cam nak painting and drawing..
am good at drawing, but i haven't done it for more than 10years. lame tuh. n i start to realize my drawing skill start to fade away, skit..sikit..
umm.. am thinking of taking courses in fine art..
tapi tak de mase, plus tak cukup bajet..
huuu~ alangkah bagus nyer aku dapat amik klas art..
bestnyer..! =) *wink..wink*
takpe, one day.. the day will come..
continue later..
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
am so bored today..
nothing interesting. jez a regular workload.
penah tak.. korang gi keje ari2.. then first thing you do, you're looking for this one particular person, coz without seeing her/him at ur office, u feel like.. "malasnyer nak buat keje.. die takde.."
ade tak that kind of person exist in yourlife?
of coz laa ade.. =)
u may know why am so bored .. hehe.. coz that kid ain't around now.
basically, when we got bored with our job, we jez hang around n chat sampai kering air liur.. or we kluar minum2 kat kedai mamak kat bawah ofis.. n we talk n talk about everything. from my lovelife to the latest song we heard. talking about song..
this song from a Singaporean band, named ungu.. lagunye, cinte dalam hati..
adalah sangat menyentuh perasaan tho takde kene mengene ngan aku lansung, tapi everytime i listen to this song, it remind me of this kid.. coz this cinta dalam hati song is sumthing that happen to him in real life..
cam lari tajuk laa plak kan.
jez njoy the song..
sangat jiwang..
but i like it lots..
nothing interesting. jez a regular workload.
penah tak.. korang gi keje ari2.. then first thing you do, you're looking for this one particular person, coz without seeing her/him at ur office, u feel like.. "malasnyer nak buat keje.. die takde.."
ade tak that kind of person exist in yourlife?
of coz laa ade.. =)
u may know why am so bored .. hehe.. coz that kid ain't around now.
basically, when we got bored with our job, we jez hang around n chat sampai kering air liur.. or we kluar minum2 kat kedai mamak kat bawah ofis.. n we talk n talk about everything. from my lovelife to the latest song we heard. talking about song..
this song from a Singaporean band, named ungu.. lagunye, cinte dalam hati..
adalah sangat menyentuh perasaan tho takde kene mengene ngan aku lansung, tapi everytime i listen to this song, it remind me of this kid.. coz this cinta dalam hati song is sumthing that happen to him in real life..
cam lari tajuk laa plak kan.
jez njoy the song..
sangat jiwang..
but i like it lots..
there're a bunch of muvis i dun wanna miss and can't hardly wait to wacth it.

.:Over Her Dead Body:.
i know.. i know it's already at wayang, but i dun have time to watch it at wayang, so i jez wait for the original copy pirate dvd. hey, it's only cost me 6 bux for crystal clear pic, tho i have to wait longer, soccay.. coz am still manage to watch it.
then i wanna watch

i wonder why it hasn't been showed at our Wayang, coz this muvi has been released for quite awhile now. maybe coz it's related to pig, so our cinema tanak tayang. cam haram. this muvi included Christina Ricci and Reese witherspoon.. where witherspoon are the co-producer of this muvi.. kalo tgk die nyer officialsite, sangat best n comey lalalaaa..
huumm.. penelope.. where are thou..?
pastuh aku nak layan Mc Dreamy lak..

.:Made Of Honor:.
cerite die ala-ala my best friend wedding.. yang bezanye, die tuh lelaki, bestfren die pompuan. tak kesahlah citer tuh same ke tak. asalkan ade Mc Dreamy, ok jelaa..
the layan plak my fav hot hunky.. ashton kutcher..

.:What Happens In Vegas:.
die nyer gazet lawak gile. cam biase ar, ashton ngan cameron slalu buat citer cenggini.. so, lawak die cam predictable ar.. anyway, i'd luv to watch it.. who cares!
then, another romantic comedy.. from uma thurman..

.:The Accidental Husband:.
another romantic comedy.. well, what the hell, am jez looking for some humor to laugh in.. so, another lame romantic won't harm, rite..?
.:Over Her Dead Body:.
i know.. i know it's already at wayang, but i dun have time to watch it at wayang, so i jez wait for the original copy pirate dvd. hey, it's only cost me 6 bux for crystal clear pic, tho i have to wait longer, soccay.. coz am still manage to watch it.
then i wanna watch
i wonder why it hasn't been showed at our Wayang, coz this muvi has been released for quite awhile now. maybe coz it's related to pig, so our cinema tanak tayang. cam haram. this muvi included Christina Ricci and Reese witherspoon.. where witherspoon are the co-producer of this muvi.. kalo tgk die nyer officialsite, sangat best n comey lalalaaa..
huumm.. penelope.. where are thou..?
pastuh aku nak layan Mc Dreamy lak..
.:Made Of Honor:.
cerite die ala-ala my best friend wedding.. yang bezanye, die tuh lelaki, bestfren die pompuan. tak kesahlah citer tuh same ke tak. asalkan ade Mc Dreamy, ok jelaa..
the layan plak my fav hot hunky.. ashton kutcher..
.:What Happens In Vegas:.
die nyer gazet lawak gile. cam biase ar, ashton ngan cameron slalu buat citer cenggini.. so, lawak die cam predictable ar.. anyway, i'd luv to watch it.. who cares!
then, another romantic comedy.. from uma thurman..
.:The Accidental Husband:.
another romantic comedy.. well, what the hell, am jez looking for some humor to laugh in.. so, another lame romantic won't harm, rite..?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
booring lagi..
honestly, am kinda boringwith this blog. wanna change the skin, but i dun have any fabulous idea yet, besides.. got no time to waste to do the all the craps.
well, am feeling like talking about bout GIGI.
it's not the GIGI band from Indonesia.. but it's bout my own gigi laa..
aku sayang gigi aku, tapi malas gile nak jage. aku nyer gigi dah kurang satu, aku pun dah tak ingat apekah insiden yang menyebabkan daku kehilangan gigi taring ku yang satu itu.huum..?
lately, asal makan jek, mesti ade jek bende melekat kat celah gigi. terpakselaa korek2, slalunyer pakai tangan jek. eee..busuk ar.. yekk..
huh, wtf, gigi aku sdiri jugak.
mase kecik2 dulu, mase tadika. gigi aku rongak gile. rongak hitam ok, tapi aku tak ingatlaa busuk ke tak. aku ade gambar gigi aku rongak. gambar tuh, sengih bukan main lagi, tapi rongak. hahahaha! mane ntah aku letak gambar tuh, kat kg kot..
dulu kecik2, manelaa pandai jage gigi.. harap kan ummi aku laa, kalo die suh aku berus, aku berus jelaa.. kalo tak mesti aku miss berus gigi, huhu, gile buruk perangai.
and sweets, sweets is my indulgence. sampai skarang pun aku suke makan gule2. tapi skarang dah kurang sket. sebab gigi aku dah menunjukkan jangka hayatnya yang semakin berkurangan. Oh tidak!
mase 2005, aku penah buat part time kat klinik gigi, klinik gigi lisa alis namenyer.
aku jadik assistant yg sedut air liur kat tepi tuh. and yeah, kerja2 itu adalah agak keji dan menjijikkan, but who cares, yang penting i've got paid for that ok. selain sedut air liur orang, ade laa jugak bende lain yang aku kene buat, macam buat paste untuk tampal gigi, and so on. honestly, keje kat situh, banyak laa jugak bende yg selame ni aku tak tau, aku dah tau.. contohnyer... umm.. malas laa aku nak bagi contoh. tapi of coz laa, aku lebih conscious laa psal gigi2 ni.. yg paling best, aku dapat buat scaling and treat for free.. yeay! hey, kalo korang pegi private dental, ko tampal gigi ngan scaling, it cost u more than hundred tau.. tau tak untungnyer dapat buat2 sume tuh free..
after 3months,aku berenti, coz time keje kat situh kurang menarik, dan gajinyer agak sux.. but, am glad i used to work there.. weee~
alrite.. enuf about gigi..
sambung keje balik..
well, am feeling like talking about bout GIGI.
it's not the GIGI band from Indonesia.. but it's bout my own gigi laa..
aku sayang gigi aku, tapi malas gile nak jage. aku nyer gigi dah kurang satu, aku pun dah tak ingat apekah insiden yang menyebabkan daku kehilangan gigi taring ku yang satu itu.huum..?
lately, asal makan jek, mesti ade jek bende melekat kat celah gigi. terpakselaa korek2, slalunyer pakai tangan jek. eee..busuk ar.. yekk..
huh, wtf, gigi aku sdiri jugak.
mase kecik2 dulu, mase tadika. gigi aku rongak gile. rongak hitam ok, tapi aku tak ingatlaa busuk ke tak. aku ade gambar gigi aku rongak. gambar tuh, sengih bukan main lagi, tapi rongak. hahahaha! mane ntah aku letak gambar tuh, kat kg kot..
dulu kecik2, manelaa pandai jage gigi.. harap kan ummi aku laa, kalo die suh aku berus, aku berus jelaa.. kalo tak mesti aku miss berus gigi, huhu, gile buruk perangai.
and sweets, sweets is my indulgence. sampai skarang pun aku suke makan gule2. tapi skarang dah kurang sket. sebab gigi aku dah menunjukkan jangka hayatnya yang semakin berkurangan. Oh tidak!
mase 2005, aku penah buat part time kat klinik gigi, klinik gigi lisa alis namenyer.
aku jadik assistant yg sedut air liur kat tepi tuh. and yeah, kerja2 itu adalah agak keji dan menjijikkan, but who cares, yang penting i've got paid for that ok. selain sedut air liur orang, ade laa jugak bende lain yang aku kene buat, macam buat paste untuk tampal gigi, and so on. honestly, keje kat situh, banyak laa jugak bende yg selame ni aku tak tau, aku dah tau.. contohnyer... umm.. malas laa aku nak bagi contoh. tapi of coz laa, aku lebih conscious laa psal gigi2 ni.. yg paling best, aku dapat buat scaling and treat for free.. yeay! hey, kalo korang pegi private dental, ko tampal gigi ngan scaling, it cost u more than hundred tau.. tau tak untungnyer dapat buat2 sume tuh free..
after 3months,aku berenti, coz time keje kat situh kurang menarik, dan gajinyer agak sux.. but, am glad i used to work there.. weee~
alrite.. enuf about gigi..
sambung keje balik..
Thursday, March 27, 2008
i jez finish another Japanese's drama series, GOKUSEN..

it's a story about a yakuza heiress, Yamaguchi Kumiko who wanna become an high school sensei instead of being a yakuza leader. She's ended up teaching those lil brats from Shirokin Gokuin high school, but becoz of her determination and passion towards those kids, she became one of the greatest n coolest sensei around. these drama really humorous but also got lotsa values about life.
and that yamuguchi sensei is hillarious n dem cool..
membuatkan aku rase cam, nak jadi sensei jugak.. huhu~
Since watching that Gokusen drama, am kinda interested in Yakuza.. and i came across with this book..

Yakuza Moon
It's a biography book about the author, Shoko Tendo who told her story bout her life being a yakuza daughter. the story about being a yakuza heiress is portrayed differently from Gokusen drama. It's full with darkness and dirty jobs. and being a daughter of the big boss, is not like being a princess in a palace, it is full with range, hearted and betrayal. the book had been release at Japan on 2004, but it is jez translated to english last year. and i dun know how much is it in MYR, but in USD it's cost 23USD. kalo convert duit mesia, dah almost 100 lebih, tak masuk tax lagi.
ummm...~ maybe kene gi usha price dulu kat Kino.. or anyone yang dah beli buku ni?

it's a story about a yakuza heiress, Yamaguchi Kumiko who wanna become an high school sensei instead of being a yakuza leader. She's ended up teaching those lil brats from Shirokin Gokuin high school, but becoz of her determination and passion towards those kids, she became one of the greatest n coolest sensei around. these drama really humorous but also got lotsa values about life.
and that yamuguchi sensei is hillarious n dem cool..
membuatkan aku rase cam, nak jadi sensei jugak.. huhu~
Since watching that Gokusen drama, am kinda interested in Yakuza.. and i came across with this book..

Yakuza Moon
It's a biography book about the author, Shoko Tendo who told her story bout her life being a yakuza daughter. the story about being a yakuza heiress is portrayed differently from Gokusen drama. It's full with darkness and dirty jobs. and being a daughter of the big boss, is not like being a princess in a palace, it is full with range, hearted and betrayal. the book had been release at Japan on 2004, but it is jez translated to english last year. and i dun know how much is it in MYR, but in USD it's cost 23USD. kalo convert duit mesia, dah almost 100 lebih, tak masuk tax lagi.
ummm...~ maybe kene gi usha price dulu kat Kino.. or anyone yang dah beli buku ni?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
get fit
i start my morning today with a very distressful thought. and i can't get rid the unpleasant feeling that have been last for a few days now. but now, am feeling better, n ready start a brand new day all over again. yeayy!
this mroning, when i was hopping on lrt from Hang Tuah, i saw a blind lady, smartly dress with baju kurung n blazer, traveling alone. when we reached ChanSowLin station, she stepped out suddenly and carefully, i saw she tried to reach a tiang and stay there till the train started to move on. and she slowly disappeared from my view..
later on, my mind started to wondering around that blind lady..
where's on earth she's coming from?
where is she heading to?
how in the world she knew that's the right station she should stop *coz abang driver lrt tuh takde pun buat announcement which station we are now*?
what kind of job she have?
and what will happened if i am in her shoes..?
do i will survived and independent like that lady?
or i jez live dengan mengharapkan bantuan orang lain?
do i..?
but honestly, i can't figured out if i will or will not.
tetapi sebenarnye, i am so ashamed of myself coz i have everything in my life, i still have both of my parents, both of grandparents, a wonderful husband, a gorgeous adorable son and be able to get evrything i want to, but still, i keep whining and mengeluh life is soo sux, and this sux, that's sux, everything is sux..
well..i shud appreciate life more, n be grateful for everything i have.
much..much better now..
i think am gonna switch to a better job..
my intention to further study, have to be postponed coz there's no any college's offering graphic design part time course. takde rezeki lagi kot, maybe when the right time comes later, i'll grab that opportunity. InsyaAllah.
after 5, i'll b heading to UIA for swimming. n tomorrow, return from work i'll start my jogging routine all over again at Pandan Indah. i want to get fit and healthy as i am before. Start with swimming, jogging and drink lotsa water.
this mroning, when i was hopping on lrt from Hang Tuah, i saw a blind lady, smartly dress with baju kurung n blazer, traveling alone. when we reached ChanSowLin station, she stepped out suddenly and carefully, i saw she tried to reach a tiang and stay there till the train started to move on. and she slowly disappeared from my view..
later on, my mind started to wondering around that blind lady..
where's on earth she's coming from?
where is she heading to?
how in the world she knew that's the right station she should stop *coz abang driver lrt tuh takde pun buat announcement which station we are now*?
what kind of job she have?
and what will happened if i am in her shoes..?
do i will survived and independent like that lady?
or i jez live dengan mengharapkan bantuan orang lain?
do i..?
but honestly, i can't figured out if i will or will not.
tetapi sebenarnye, i am so ashamed of myself coz i have everything in my life, i still have both of my parents, both of grandparents, a wonderful husband, a gorgeous adorable son and be able to get evrything i want to, but still, i keep whining and mengeluh life is soo sux, and this sux, that's sux, everything is sux..
well..i shud appreciate life more, n be grateful for everything i have.
much..much better now..
i think am gonna switch to a better job..
my intention to further study, have to be postponed coz there's no any college's offering graphic design part time course. takde rezeki lagi kot, maybe when the right time comes later, i'll grab that opportunity. InsyaAllah.
after 5, i'll b heading to UIA for swimming. n tomorrow, return from work i'll start my jogging routine all over again at Pandan Indah. i want to get fit and healthy as i am before. Start with swimming, jogging and drink lotsa water.
Monday, March 24, 2008
my weekn very tiring. last sunday, ala2 gotong royong wif hunky, walaupun pada hakikatnyer, aku sorang jek yang buat kejer2 membersih rumah.. sampai ke malam baru sudah buat kejer2 pembersihan. huh, gile semak umah aku ni.
boring ar..
i think i need more privacy..
i'll switch to a new blog add..
sowey ppl..
boring ar..
i think i need more privacy..
i'll switch to a new blog add..
sowey ppl..
Saturday, March 22, 2008
u sux! am ain't helping u no more! @#@@$#%^&^*&(_!!!!
jez watching step up 2 online..
for the dancing lover.. u absolutely luv that movie..
dem, they're fucking good.. n i miss my time hitting the dance floor all over again.. umm, jez hit n slip on my own house floor je laa kan.. watever..
yesterday, spend sum time swimming @ UIA.. the pool so dem big, n deep, i can't even touch my feet on the pool floor, coz the pool height is higher than myself. sib baik laa aku cam terer gak swimming, so no worries about it. dah laa pegi swimming tuh, cam aku sorang jek yg sexy, pakai swimming suit, sib baik bawak tights, kalo tak mesti dah kene halau. n this morning, also got plan to go for swimming, but dat stupid dude, ask me to help him out. guess what, ain't show up! wtf!
argh.. after finish the muvi, am heading home n doing my thing.
home sweet home..
jez watching step up 2 online..
for the dancing lover.. u absolutely luv that movie..
dem, they're fucking good.. n i miss my time hitting the dance floor all over again.. umm, jez hit n slip on my own house floor je laa kan.. watever..
yesterday, spend sum time swimming @ UIA.. the pool so dem big, n deep, i can't even touch my feet on the pool floor, coz the pool height is higher than myself. sib baik laa aku cam terer gak swimming, so no worries about it. dah laa pegi swimming tuh, cam aku sorang jek yg sexy, pakai swimming suit, sib baik bawak tights, kalo tak mesti dah kene halau. n this morning, also got plan to go for swimming, but dat stupid dude, ask me to help him out. guess what, ain't show up! wtf!
argh.. after finish the muvi, am heading home n doing my thing.
home sweet home..
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
happy tuesday
semalam, i was in a very good mood.. taktaulaa mane datang mood tuh. dah laa dok umah mlm tadi banyak citer best dalam satu mase. mane nak tgk Sindarela, ugly betty lagi, heroes 2 kat starworld, pastuh ade lak victoria secret party.. sume nak tgk.. alih2 my hunky yg dapat remote, huh layan laa engko tgk bola.. hampeh.
watching sindarela @tv3 memang buat aku gelak siut.. citer tuh memang nonsense gile.. but, sharifah armani dem good actress.. being a pengkid on that drama, she's really act like a pengkid yg comey.. i'm a huge fan of her since her 1st appearance in sepet. she's also good looking.. like me lor.. hahaha..
watching sindarela @tv3 memang buat aku gelak siut.. citer tuh memang nonsense gile.. but, sharifah armani dem good actress.. being a pengkid on that drama, she's really act like a pengkid yg comey.. i'm a huge fan of her since her 1st appearance in sepet. she's also good looking.. like me lor.. hahaha..
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
as usual.. am sooo malas up date my blog. today, got no choice. am bored like hell, mRR2 fucking jam, from melawati till ntah memane. n i dun wanna waste my time tekan minyak n main gear 2, gear 1. lenguh laa kaki aku yang cantik ini.
ain't got any idea what am gonna crapping about.
lets talk bout weekn, walaupun weekn sudah berlalu selame 2 hari.. wtf laa kan..
last weekn i have a road trip to melaka n PD. Kudos to Mc shah kerana menumpangkan aku overnite kat rumah die. *shah, rumah mu adalah sgt best. aku rase cam tanak balik jer..*
n thanx kerana menumpangkan aku ride wif jiji n tag along wif kak nana.. tho on the way back aku yg drive. tapi memandangkan jiji adalah auto.. takde ar memenatkan sgt drive jiji.
at melaka, pijot's wedding.. my ol good fella kat KMPP.. after awhile ain't meet her. alih2 dah kawen dengan jejaka bertuah bernama En. Hussein.. n pijot, she's really drop dead gorjes that day. n me also look gorjes as usual. hahaha.. sounds keji.
n this weekn.. already planned to spend time at the pools.
means.. after spending some times at swimming pool, we'll heading to pool's table. umm.. sounds great lor.
can't wait for another weekn. yeah..
but tomolo baru wednesday lor..
haiya, still got 3 days to go meh..
ain't got any idea what am gonna crapping about.
lets talk bout weekn, walaupun weekn sudah berlalu selame 2 hari.. wtf laa kan..
last weekn i have a road trip to melaka n PD. Kudos to Mc shah kerana menumpangkan aku overnite kat rumah die. *shah, rumah mu adalah sgt best. aku rase cam tanak balik jer..*
n thanx kerana menumpangkan aku ride wif jiji n tag along wif kak nana.. tho on the way back aku yg drive. tapi memandangkan jiji adalah auto.. takde ar memenatkan sgt drive jiji.
at melaka, pijot's wedding.. my ol good fella kat KMPP.. after awhile ain't meet her. alih2 dah kawen dengan jejaka bertuah bernama En. Hussein.. n pijot, she's really drop dead gorjes that day. n me also look gorjes as usual. hahaha.. sounds keji.
n this weekn.. already planned to spend time at the pools.
means.. after spending some times at swimming pool, we'll heading to pool's table. umm.. sounds great lor.
can't wait for another weekn. yeah..
but tomolo baru wednesday lor..
haiya, still got 3 days to go meh..
Friday, March 14, 2008
one step forward.
last night. i have made up my mind. i wanna further study.
i've decided to chase my dream. i wanna take one step forward by taking course in Graphic design.
Seriously, i'll work hard to get any scholar, or at least some education loans.
wish me luck!
last night. i have made up my mind. i wanna further study.
i've decided to chase my dream. i wanna take one step forward by taking course in Graphic design.
Seriously, i'll work hard to get any scholar, or at least some education loans.
wish me luck!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
have a lil faith..
jez have a lil faith..
i feel so grateful today.. grateful for every single thing i have..
Especially.. him..
he makes me laugh.. he makes me feel so good bout myself..
if only we're in different world, different place, and different timeline..
we should have been together.. but, of coz in reality we're not mean to each other.. but still, am grateful to meet up wif u.. have a chance to know you.. n i luv everything about you.. but of coz, the God already plan everything for us..
God plan my jodoh wif my Hunky..
n you..
maybe you'll find someone far better than me..
someone that u can make her yours forever..
n that someone is not me..
after think about it last nite..
i feel far better now..
i luv my hunky.. he's everything for me..
my sleeping partner..
my kissing partner..
my toothbrush partner..
my soulmate..
every each day pass.. tho how hard life could be..
am still grateful coz he's mine.. forever mine..
no one couldn't have him..
n no one couldn't have me either, i am his forever..
the life we share together..
the son we have raise togather..
nothing can compare with it..
even all the money in the world can't buy it..
thanx God..
Thanx for Hunky..
thanx for everything..
i feel so grateful today.. grateful for every single thing i have..
Especially.. him..
he makes me laugh.. he makes me feel so good bout myself..
if only we're in different world, different place, and different timeline..
we should have been together.. but, of coz in reality we're not mean to each other.. but still, am grateful to meet up wif u.. have a chance to know you.. n i luv everything about you.. but of coz, the God already plan everything for us..
God plan my jodoh wif my Hunky..
n you..
maybe you'll find someone far better than me..
someone that u can make her yours forever..
n that someone is not me..
after think about it last nite..
i feel far better now..
i luv my hunky.. he's everything for me..
my sleeping partner..
my kissing partner..
my toothbrush partner..
my soulmate..
every each day pass.. tho how hard life could be..
am still grateful coz he's mine.. forever mine..
no one couldn't have him..
n no one couldn't have me either, i am his forever..
the life we share together..
the son we have raise togather..
nothing can compare with it..
even all the money in the world can't buy it..
thanx God..
Thanx for Hunky..
thanx for everything..
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
what an unfaithful feeling..
i dun wanna feel that guilty..
she sez,
nothing is wrong to feel good about myself..
but i have to be cautious, n put a boundary between us..
so we dun cross the line
thanx to her.. what a feel good word to hear..
when i think back, the problem is lie within the surface. the real problem which is start to crack slowly from inside. i shud prevent it from getting cracks more n more. i need to patch every single hole inside. but i'm tired. i'm tired to become the only person who try to fix every damage. i jez couldn't figure out how i can tag him along, so we can work things out together.
i really feel broken. but still, pretending am really a strong bitch to face everything alone. but when it come to this matter. when eventually u came wif a pair, but suddenly u'r the only one who trying to make things work. it is just not fair.
help me..
Guide me.. God..
i dun wanna feel that guilty..
she sez,
nothing is wrong to feel good about myself..
but i have to be cautious, n put a boundary between us..
so we dun cross the line
thanx to her.. what a feel good word to hear..
when i think back, the problem is lie within the surface. the real problem which is start to crack slowly from inside. i shud prevent it from getting cracks more n more. i need to patch every single hole inside. but i'm tired. i'm tired to become the only person who try to fix every damage. i jez couldn't figure out how i can tag him along, so we can work things out together.
i really feel broken. but still, pretending am really a strong bitch to face everything alone. but when it come to this matter. when eventually u came wif a pair, but suddenly u'r the only one who trying to make things work. it is just not fair.
help me..
Guide me.. God..
Thursday, February 28, 2008
friends n life
jiweku still agi berkecamuk tak menentu hale..
but thanx to my gorgeous babes who willing to menadah telinge n mendengar luahan perasaanku n also willing give an absolute advice yg sgt bergune..
thanx babes..
am feeling better..
willing to start my life today as better person..
aku tgh mengantuk tak ingat ni..
asik ngantuk jek..
tadi smayang subuh.. pas semayang, tgk due jejake kacak tuh cam lena di ulit intan..
aku pun.. uuuii.. best jugak ni kalo sambung tido..
dengan sendirinyer, aku sambung tido balik..
pastuh baru laa kelam kabut bangun nak gi keje.. huh..
am not a morning person..
so, waking up in the morning
is the hardest thing to do every morning in my life
try jugak dulu, bagun awal..
tahan sminggu jek, pastuh berbalik kepade asal..
camner ar, nak bangun awl erk..
sbenarnye, bagun awl, best ar..
kalo dapat gi jogging lagi sesubuh..
lagi best..
tapi, macam liat gile nak bangun pagi.
kalo subuh. memang smayang subuh dinosour.
taktau laa camner nak buat..
but thanx to my gorgeous babes who willing to menadah telinge n mendengar luahan perasaanku n also willing give an absolute advice yg sgt bergune..
thanx babes..
am feeling better..
willing to start my life today as better person..
aku tgh mengantuk tak ingat ni..
asik ngantuk jek..
tadi smayang subuh.. pas semayang, tgk due jejake kacak tuh cam lena di ulit intan..
aku pun.. uuuii.. best jugak ni kalo sambung tido..
dengan sendirinyer, aku sambung tido balik..
pastuh baru laa kelam kabut bangun nak gi keje.. huh..
am not a morning person..
so, waking up in the morning
is the hardest thing to do every morning in my life
try jugak dulu, bagun awal..
tahan sminggu jek, pastuh berbalik kepade asal..
camner ar, nak bangun awl erk..
sbenarnye, bagun awl, best ar..
kalo dapat gi jogging lagi sesubuh..
lagi best..
tapi, macam liat gile nak bangun pagi.
kalo subuh. memang smayang subuh dinosour.
taktau laa camner nak buat..
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
in luv
do u know the feeling of falling in luv..?
umm.. i miss that feeling..
yeah i know.. i still love my husband ok..
but the feeling of falling in luv is tottally different wif being in luv..
yeah it's tru..
coz falling in luv, is the feeling when u start to fall for somebody k..
is not that am falling for somebody else now..
really trying to behave myself now..
but falling in luv really makes me feel like flying in the sky..
buakan nak berjiwang ke ape..
lately aku layan cite jepun ni..
cite budak2 skolah..
tapi klakar nak mampos..
n of coz laa that citer involve cintan-cintun..
it remind me of myself years back..
i luv myself for being admired..
i like when the dude i like having a crush on me..
yeah.. bestnyer..
i like so much when i have some guy frenz that i can talk n kutuk2..
well, i wish i still have 'em as my frenz..
but they'r avoiding me now.. n me myself avoiding em ..
coz am married n already have a kid..
err, macam dah kuar topik laa plak kan..
pedulik lah..
kuar topik..kuar topik laa..
tapi memang, bile tgk citer tuh kan..
aku rase nak jadik teenage balik..
lepak ngank kawan2..
buat keje bodoh..
kutuk2 org..
gile tak bergune ar..
nak turn back time..
mustahil laa kan..
tapi.. if only i cud spend sumtimes ngan membe2 ramai2..
best ar gak kan..
n citer jepun yg aku tgk tuh..
Hanazakari No Kimitachi E
citer baru.. last year nyer citer..
aku ade 1 whole season..
sape nak tgk.. call aku..
citer nyer klakar habis..
kalo korang penat2 balik kejer..
layan citer ni.. memang ar sgt menggumbirakan hati..
citer die tak logik gile..
psal budak2 boarding skool..
tapi skool yg khas utk dudes yg hot2 sahaje..
n dierang dinilai camner dierang perform every skool event, bukannye ikut dierang nyer mark mase exam..
serius best..
budak2 skolah dalam citer tuh memang kacak2 semuanye..
adalah seronok mencuci mateku bile menonton cerita itu..
poster nyer..
umm.. i miss that feeling..
yeah i know.. i still love my husband ok..
but the feeling of falling in luv is tottally different wif being in luv..
yeah it's tru..
coz falling in luv, is the feeling when u start to fall for somebody k..
is not that am falling for somebody else now..
really trying to behave myself now..
but falling in luv really makes me feel like flying in the sky..
buakan nak berjiwang ke ape..
lately aku layan cite jepun ni..
cite budak2 skolah..
tapi klakar nak mampos..
n of coz laa that citer involve cintan-cintun..
it remind me of myself years back..
i luv myself for being admired..
i like when the dude i like having a crush on me..
yeah.. bestnyer..
i like so much when i have some guy frenz that i can talk n kutuk2..
well, i wish i still have 'em as my frenz..
but they'r avoiding me now.. n me myself avoiding em ..
coz am married n already have a kid..
err, macam dah kuar topik laa plak kan..
pedulik lah..
kuar topik..kuar topik laa..
tapi memang, bile tgk citer tuh kan..
aku rase nak jadik teenage balik..
lepak ngank kawan2..
buat keje bodoh..
kutuk2 org..
gile tak bergune ar..
nak turn back time..
mustahil laa kan..
tapi.. if only i cud spend sumtimes ngan membe2 ramai2..
best ar gak kan..
n citer jepun yg aku tgk tuh..
Hanazakari No Kimitachi E
citer baru.. last year nyer citer..
aku ade 1 whole season..
sape nak tgk.. call aku..
citer nyer klakar habis..
kalo korang penat2 balik kejer..
layan citer ni.. memang ar sgt menggumbirakan hati..
citer die tak logik gile..
psal budak2 boarding skool..
tapi skool yg khas utk dudes yg hot2 sahaje..
n dierang dinilai camner dierang perform every skool event, bukannye ikut dierang nyer mark mase exam..
serius best..
budak2 skolah dalam citer tuh memang kacak2 semuanye..
adalah seronok mencuci mateku bile menonton cerita itu..
poster nyer..

same ol blog
am rarely blogging..
coz dah takde idea nak merapu..
well, actually i kinda bored wif this kind of layout..
rase cam nak tukar skin..
tapi malas nak buat keje banyak..
lagi pun takde mase nak buat keje mengarut ni..
ape nak tulis ni..
my life..
am still not really happy wif my life..
still lotsa justification need to be done..
tapi aku sebenarnye malas nak pikir sume tuh.. bleh tak? aku malas nak pikir..
tapi bile pikir balik membe2 aku yg tgh working hard sekarang..
jeles gak.. i wanna be like 'em..
work hard!
am such a lazy p*g..
bad habits die hard..
i've been go tru lotsa motivational classes..
n listen to so many talks from success ppl..
but am still..
the same ol me..
really need a strong wind to change..
time to change..
coz dah takde idea nak merapu..
well, actually i kinda bored wif this kind of layout..
rase cam nak tukar skin..
tapi malas nak buat keje banyak..
lagi pun takde mase nak buat keje mengarut ni..
ape nak tulis ni..
my life..
am still not really happy wif my life..
still lotsa justification need to be done..
tapi aku sebenarnye malas nak pikir sume tuh.. bleh tak? aku malas nak pikir..
tapi bile pikir balik membe2 aku yg tgh working hard sekarang..
jeles gak.. i wanna be like 'em..
work hard!
am such a lazy p*g..
bad habits die hard..
i've been go tru lotsa motivational classes..
n listen to so many talks from success ppl..
but am still..
the same ol me..
really need a strong wind to change..
time to change..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
nak tukar skin.
lamenyer aku tak memblog..
windu ar gak nak blogging..
tapi i takde mase laa.. *cheh!*
seriously, lately cam bz yg teramat sgt..
aku pun tak tau ape yg membuatka aku bz.. tapi rase cam bz..
bz, coz i have to achieve my target this week..
close 4 cases.. *still working on it..*
bz coz my baby, aiman got sick.. *sian gile tgk die.. demam..*
have no choice, have to go to work.. yesterday dah tak keje..
one whole day dok umah jer..
jage budak kecik tuh je.. tapi smlm die cam ok jek..
tapi mlm tadi die tido, jap2 terkejut, bangun nangis, badan panas jer..
huumm.. serba salah..
tanak gi keje ari ni, smlm dah cuti.. terpakse ar bekerja gak..
maybe balik nanti i shud stop n get a toy for him..
buat ubat demam..
bz, sebab tgh letih memikirkan.. patut ke tak patut aku balik kg..
my mom sebok dok bising suh balik mangundi..
apelaa government ni, nyusahkan org je..
ape slahnyer kalo biar je org tuh nak mengundi memane je dierang nak..
dah kate tinggal kat kl, ngundi jelaa kat kl..
nyusahkan org je..
kalo buat online vote lagi senang..
masuk no i/c, pastuh vote.. lagi laa ko bleh trace, sape vote sape..
pastuh lagi senang korang nak buat statistic, org mude ramai vote pas ke.. org tue ramai vote umno ke.. org cine ramai mane gi vote dap..
haaa, kan senang sket..
menyenangkan keje aku.. dan utk kebaikan korang gak..
tul tak..
then aku gak bz memikirkan mase depan ku..
still lagi tgh perah otak buat strategi cenggane nak achieve aku nyer life goals..
masalah nye, aku nyer goals pun still lagi dalam keadaan samar..
so aku kene perah otak betull..
pikir ape aku nak..
pastuh pikir ape yg aku kene buat..
di samping itu..
aku bz memikirkan camner nak gi melake wedding pijot ni..
aku kene pegi gak wedding die, sebab die attend aku nyer wedding..
tak kire, aku kene pegi wedding die..
selain itu,
saye jugak tengah memerah otak bagaimana untuk menabung duit saye..
asal dapat gaji jek.. abis..
aku nye income.. oklaa..
aku nyer hutang..tarak..
umah tak kene bayar..
kete tak kene bayar..
kredit kad pun takde..
cume utang ptptipu jek yg ade..
tapi aku takleh nak save..
camner tuh..
camner arr.. aku nak save duit ni..?
banyak bende nak kene pikir dan kene buat..
oleh yang demikian..
aku sememangnye sgt membizikan diri tengah memikirkan semua perkare-perkare yg perlu di buat, seperti yang tersebut di atas..
p/s. also bz nak mengempiskan perut..
windu ar gak nak blogging..
tapi i takde mase laa.. *cheh!*
seriously, lately cam bz yg teramat sgt..
aku pun tak tau ape yg membuatka aku bz.. tapi rase cam bz..
bz, coz i have to achieve my target this week..
close 4 cases.. *still working on it..*
bz coz my baby, aiman got sick.. *sian gile tgk die.. demam..*
have no choice, have to go to work.. yesterday dah tak keje..
one whole day dok umah jer..
jage budak kecik tuh je.. tapi smlm die cam ok jek..
tapi mlm tadi die tido, jap2 terkejut, bangun nangis, badan panas jer..
huumm.. serba salah..
tanak gi keje ari ni, smlm dah cuti.. terpakse ar bekerja gak..
maybe balik nanti i shud stop n get a toy for him..
buat ubat demam..
bz, sebab tgh letih memikirkan.. patut ke tak patut aku balik kg..
my mom sebok dok bising suh balik mangundi..
apelaa government ni, nyusahkan org je..
ape slahnyer kalo biar je org tuh nak mengundi memane je dierang nak..
dah kate tinggal kat kl, ngundi jelaa kat kl..
nyusahkan org je..
kalo buat online vote lagi senang..
masuk no i/c, pastuh vote.. lagi laa ko bleh trace, sape vote sape..
pastuh lagi senang korang nak buat statistic, org mude ramai vote pas ke.. org tue ramai vote umno ke.. org cine ramai mane gi vote dap..
haaa, kan senang sket..
menyenangkan keje aku.. dan utk kebaikan korang gak..
tul tak..
then aku gak bz memikirkan mase depan ku..
still lagi tgh perah otak buat strategi cenggane nak achieve aku nyer life goals..
masalah nye, aku nyer goals pun still lagi dalam keadaan samar..
so aku kene perah otak betull..
pikir ape aku nak..
pastuh pikir ape yg aku kene buat..
di samping itu..
aku bz memikirkan camner nak gi melake wedding pijot ni..
aku kene pegi gak wedding die, sebab die attend aku nyer wedding..
tak kire, aku kene pegi wedding die..
selain itu,
saye jugak tengah memerah otak bagaimana untuk menabung duit saye..
asal dapat gaji jek.. abis..
aku nye income.. oklaa..
aku nyer hutang..tarak..
umah tak kene bayar..
kete tak kene bayar..
kredit kad pun takde..
cume utang ptptipu jek yg ade..
tapi aku takleh nak save..
camner tuh..
camner arr.. aku nak save duit ni..?
banyak bende nak kene pikir dan kene buat..
oleh yang demikian..
aku sememangnye sgt membizikan diri tengah memikirkan semua perkare-perkare yg perlu di buat, seperti yang tersebut di atas..
p/s. also bz nak mengempiskan perut..
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
i forgot bout my befday.. my 26th befday..
dem! am i dat old?
gosh.. i shud have another child..
still dalam proses
my befday last 3 days..
was okey..
still at kg. that day..
so jez makan kek n makan sate at my mum in law house..
so fortunately, me, muminlaw n sisinlaw share the same befday wif me..
see.. no wonder my hubby yg kacak itu marrying me..
obviously i share the same significant traits wif his sis n mum..
walaupun haram aku tak tau ape yg same (except the fact that kiterang sume same tinggi)..
i think becoz we'r sharing the same befday, so absolutely there's sum things we have in common.. tul tak..?
jejaka kacak itu telah menghadiahkan aku seutas swatch yg sgt gorjes..
tetapi, belum pun sempat tanganku yg gebu ini menikmati keindahannyer..
strap swatch yg kononnyer gorjes itu telah rosak.. takde ar rosak, tapi cacat ar..
cam haram..
so smlm aku pegilaa kat swatch shop balik.. ingat bleh switch baru..
sekali die hantar dekat service center, after 2weeks baru leh amik..
wtf! aku tak pakai pun lagi jam tuh..
adalah sgt mengeciwakan..
nak bergambor pun tak sempat..
huh.. swatch sux!
itulaaa ceritera hari jadiku yg ke 26..
the only befday gift i've got..
gile loser
ok wat..
at least..
still got one..better than nothing..
so hepi belated befday to me..
am hepi for being i am..
and InsyaAllah..
i wanna work hard n pray hard to be better person..
God Bless us..
i forgot bout my befday.. my 26th befday..
dem! am i dat old?
gosh.. i shud have another child..
still dalam proses
my befday last 3 days..
was okey..
still at kg. that day..
so jez makan kek n makan sate at my mum in law house..
so fortunately, me, muminlaw n sisinlaw share the same befday wif me..
see.. no wonder my hubby yg kacak itu marrying me..
obviously i share the same significant traits wif his sis n mum..
walaupun haram aku tak tau ape yg same (except the fact that kiterang sume same tinggi)..
i think becoz we'r sharing the same befday, so absolutely there's sum things we have in common.. tul tak..?
jejaka kacak itu telah menghadiahkan aku seutas swatch yg sgt gorjes..
tetapi, belum pun sempat tanganku yg gebu ini menikmati keindahannyer..
strap swatch yg kononnyer gorjes itu telah rosak.. takde ar rosak, tapi cacat ar..
cam haram..
so smlm aku pegilaa kat swatch shop balik.. ingat bleh switch baru..
sekali die hantar dekat service center, after 2weeks baru leh amik..
wtf! aku tak pakai pun lagi jam tuh..
adalah sgt mengeciwakan..
nak bergambor pun tak sempat..
huh.. swatch sux!
itulaaa ceritera hari jadiku yg ke 26..
the only befday gift i've got..
gile loser
ok wat..
at least..
still got one..better than nothing..
so hepi belated befday to me..
am hepi for being i am..
and InsyaAllah..
i wanna work hard n pray hard to be better person..
God Bless us..
early this year i've been told so many times..
i have to plan anything i want to achieve for one whole year..
and i'v been thinking of doing that so many times..
but aint doing anything bout it..
and i know..
without planning anything u'll probably got nothing for this year..
as u can see..
there're 2 wish lists at the side box i wish i wud get em..
i still wish i will grab all of em..
i aint plan anything to make wish come true..
i shud start to plan my strategies now..
n work harder..
the reality is..
i really need to plan n work harder..
work hard
i have to plan anything i want to achieve for one whole year..
and i'v been thinking of doing that so many times..
but aint doing anything bout it..
and i know..
without planning anything u'll probably got nothing for this year..
as u can see..
there're 2 wish lists at the side box i wish i wud get em..
i still wish i will grab all of em..
i aint plan anything to make wish come true..
i shud start to plan my strategies now..
n work harder..
the reality is..
i really need to plan n work harder..
work hard
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
january gone
1st month of 2008 already end..
n the february come
the time click faster than i thought
oklaa, i dun wanna be sad anymore..
i wanna be happy n enjoying life more
n yeah.. everything started to go well, tho this nood i jez scratch my drive wif other car..
arghh! macam mane laa aku terscratch keter tuh
tuhlaa sape suh parking double side
dan oleh kerana, no one was there
n i dun farking know who's the owner..
so, wtf laa kan.. blah jelaa
coz am already have enuf trouble nanti balik umah..
mesti jejaka kacak kat rumah nanti muncung dan seriously membebel cam maknenek..
skarang tgh browsing.. what's the farking hottest song now?
last few weeks dok layan bubbly - colbie caillet
2,3 ari ni layan tattoo - jordan spark (sound's lame.. tapi oklaa..)
tapi ari ni layan lagu lame macy's day parade - green day..
skali skale layan lagu lame, feel ar gak..
for me laa
i can feel the song..
tapi listen to this song maybe demoralized ur soul a bit..
layan je..
.: Macy's Day Parade :.
Today's the Macy's Day Parade
The night of the living dead is on its way
With a credit report for duty call
It's a lifetime guarantee
Stuffed in a coffin 10% more free
Red light special at the mausoleum
Give me something that I need
Satisfaction guaranteed to you
What's the consolation prize?
Economy sized dreams of hope
When I was a kid I thought
I wanted all the things that I haven't got
Oh. I learned the hardest way
Then I realized what it took
To tell the difference between
Thieves and crooks
A lesson learned to me and you
Give me something that I need
Satisfaction guaranteed
Because I'm thinking about
A brand new hope
The one I've never known
Cause now I know
It's all that I wanted
What's the consolation prize?
Economy sized dreams of hope
Give me something that I need
Satisfaction guaranteed
Because I'm thinking about
A brand new hope
The one I've never known
And where it goes
And I'm thinking about
The only road
The one I've never known
And where it goes
And I'm thinking about
A brand new hope
The one I've never known
Cause now I know
It's all that I wanted
1st month of 2008 already end..
n the february come
the time click faster than i thought
oklaa, i dun wanna be sad anymore..
i wanna be happy n enjoying life more
n yeah.. everything started to go well, tho this nood i jez scratch my drive wif other car..
arghh! macam mane laa aku terscratch keter tuh
tuhlaa sape suh parking double side
dan oleh kerana, no one was there
n i dun farking know who's the owner..
so, wtf laa kan.. blah jelaa
coz am already have enuf trouble nanti balik umah..
mesti jejaka kacak kat rumah nanti muncung dan seriously membebel cam maknenek..
skarang tgh browsing.. what's the farking hottest song now?
last few weeks dok layan bubbly - colbie caillet
2,3 ari ni layan tattoo - jordan spark (sound's lame.. tapi oklaa..)
tapi ari ni layan lagu lame macy's day parade - green day..
skali skale layan lagu lame, feel ar gak..
for me laa
i can feel the song..
tapi listen to this song maybe demoralized ur soul a bit..
layan je..
.: Macy's Day Parade :.
Today's the Macy's Day Parade
The night of the living dead is on its way
With a credit report for duty call
It's a lifetime guarantee
Stuffed in a coffin 10% more free
Red light special at the mausoleum
Give me something that I need
Satisfaction guaranteed to you
What's the consolation prize?
Economy sized dreams of hope
When I was a kid I thought
I wanted all the things that I haven't got
Oh. I learned the hardest way
Then I realized what it took
To tell the difference between
Thieves and crooks
A lesson learned to me and you
Give me something that I need
Satisfaction guaranteed
Because I'm thinking about
A brand new hope
The one I've never known
Cause now I know
It's all that I wanted
What's the consolation prize?
Economy sized dreams of hope
Give me something that I need
Satisfaction guaranteed
Because I'm thinking about
A brand new hope
The one I've never known
And where it goes
And I'm thinking about
The only road
The one I've never known
And where it goes
And I'm thinking about
A brand new hope
The one I've never known
Cause now I know
It's all that I wanted
Thursday, January 17, 2008
life is like a wheel
u heard that so many time
my life is being very tough lately
it so hard
sumtimes i dunno what am should do
am trying to be very positive.. or at least.. being optimist..
but still it's really hard..
if u guys got tru my blog since years back..
u can see am a bad luck person..
not that am blaming God or what for all the bad things happen to me
only my life always turn bad..
am not blaming anyone
the matter itself come from my own mistake.. my own stupidity..
and my own immature thought..
getting so stress lately.. makes my look unpretty..
u'll agree if u look at me now..
zits is over my face..
know what.. 4 last 2 years, my face aint have any zits at all..
now it's over the place..
makes me more stressful..
am trying to pick only on the positive side..
so sooner or later i dun break down..
or giving up..
i jez wanna live happily..
yeah, happily..
now i know what i want for 2008..
being happy!
God bless everybody..
life is like a wheel
u heard that so many time
my life is being very tough lately
it so hard
sumtimes i dunno what am should do
am trying to be very positive.. or at least.. being optimist..
but still it's really hard..
if u guys got tru my blog since years back..
u can see am a bad luck person..
not that am blaming God or what for all the bad things happen to me
only my life always turn bad..
am not blaming anyone
the matter itself come from my own mistake.. my own stupidity..
and my own immature thought..
getting so stress lately.. makes my look unpretty..
u'll agree if u look at me now..
zits is over my face..
know what.. 4 last 2 years, my face aint have any zits at all..
now it's over the place..
makes me more stressful..
am trying to pick only on the positive side..
so sooner or later i dun break down..
or giving up..
i jez wanna live happily..
yeah, happily..
now i know what i want for 2008..
being happy!
God bless everybody..
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
my 2008 new year started badly..
on new year eve..
i have heated argument wif my husband..
sampai aku lari kluar rumah bawak aiman..
at 12:30 midnite, ppl celebrating new year..
but am bringing my son, driving out of nowhere..
til 2:30am.. am so tired n sgt2 mengantuk, so terpakse balik..
the next day,
thank God, we can clear things up..
i really hope this 2008 bring more happiness, health n wealth to me n my family..
but, since new year eve, it's getting worst..
my love life..
my career path..
my life..
it's getting complicated every each day..
rase cam nak giving up pun ade..
but i ain't loser..
i have to survive for whatever it is..
still trying to sort things out..
manage everything in proper way,
so it ain't going to mess up..
pls gimme strength..
on new year eve..
i have heated argument wif my husband..
sampai aku lari kluar rumah bawak aiman..
at 12:30 midnite, ppl celebrating new year..
but am bringing my son, driving out of nowhere..
til 2:30am.. am so tired n sgt2 mengantuk, so terpakse balik..
the next day,
thank God, we can clear things up..
i really hope this 2008 bring more happiness, health n wealth to me n my family..
but, since new year eve, it's getting worst..
my love life..
my career path..
my life..
it's getting complicated every each day..
rase cam nak giving up pun ade..
but i ain't loser..
i have to survive for whatever it is..
still trying to sort things out..
manage everything in proper way,
so it ain't going to mess up..
pls gimme strength..
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