am so bored today..
nothing interesting. jez a regular workload.
penah tak.. korang gi keje ari2.. then first thing you do, you're looking for this one particular person, coz without seeing her/him at ur office, u feel like.. "malasnyer nak buat keje.. die takde.."
ade tak that kind of person exist in yourlife?
of coz laa ade.. =)
u may know why am so bored .. hehe.. coz that kid ain't around now.
basically, when we got bored with our job, we jez hang around n chat sampai kering air liur.. or we kluar minum2 kat kedai mamak kat bawah ofis.. n we talk n talk about everything. from my lovelife to the latest song we heard. talking about song..
this song from a Singaporean band, named ungu.. lagunye, cinte dalam hati..
adalah sangat menyentuh perasaan tho takde kene mengene ngan aku lansung, tapi everytime i listen to this song, it remind me of this kid.. coz this cinta dalam hati song is sumthing that happen to him in real life..
cam lari tajuk laa plak kan.
jez njoy the song..
sangat jiwang..
but i like it lots..
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
there're a bunch of muvis i dun wanna miss and can't hardly wait to wacth it.

.:Over Her Dead Body:.
i know.. i know it's already at wayang, but i dun have time to watch it at wayang, so i jez wait for the original copy pirate dvd. hey, it's only cost me 6 bux for crystal clear pic, tho i have to wait longer, soccay.. coz am still manage to watch it.
then i wanna watch

i wonder why it hasn't been showed at our Wayang, coz this muvi has been released for quite awhile now. maybe coz it's related to pig, so our cinema tanak tayang. cam haram. this muvi included Christina Ricci and Reese witherspoon.. where witherspoon are the co-producer of this muvi.. kalo tgk die nyer officialsite, sangat best n comey lalalaaa..
huumm.. penelope.. where are thou..?
pastuh aku nak layan Mc Dreamy lak..

.:Made Of Honor:.
cerite die ala-ala my best friend wedding.. yang bezanye, die tuh lelaki, bestfren die pompuan. tak kesahlah citer tuh same ke tak. asalkan ade Mc Dreamy, ok jelaa..
the layan plak my fav hot hunky.. ashton kutcher..

.:What Happens In Vegas:.
die nyer gazet lawak gile. cam biase ar, ashton ngan cameron slalu buat citer cenggini.. so, lawak die cam predictable ar.. anyway, i'd luv to watch it.. who cares!
then, another romantic comedy.. from uma thurman..

.:The Accidental Husband:.
another romantic comedy.. well, what the hell, am jez looking for some humor to laugh in.. so, another lame romantic won't harm, rite..?
.:Over Her Dead Body:.
i know.. i know it's already at wayang, but i dun have time to watch it at wayang, so i jez wait for the original copy pirate dvd. hey, it's only cost me 6 bux for crystal clear pic, tho i have to wait longer, soccay.. coz am still manage to watch it.
then i wanna watch
i wonder why it hasn't been showed at our Wayang, coz this muvi has been released for quite awhile now. maybe coz it's related to pig, so our cinema tanak tayang. cam haram. this muvi included Christina Ricci and Reese witherspoon.. where witherspoon are the co-producer of this muvi.. kalo tgk die nyer officialsite, sangat best n comey lalalaaa..
huumm.. penelope.. where are thou..?
pastuh aku nak layan Mc Dreamy lak..
.:Made Of Honor:.
cerite die ala-ala my best friend wedding.. yang bezanye, die tuh lelaki, bestfren die pompuan. tak kesahlah citer tuh same ke tak. asalkan ade Mc Dreamy, ok jelaa..
the layan plak my fav hot hunky.. ashton kutcher..
.:What Happens In Vegas:.
die nyer gazet lawak gile. cam biase ar, ashton ngan cameron slalu buat citer cenggini.. so, lawak die cam predictable ar.. anyway, i'd luv to watch it.. who cares!
then, another romantic comedy.. from uma thurman..
.:The Accidental Husband:.
another romantic comedy.. well, what the hell, am jez looking for some humor to laugh in.. so, another lame romantic won't harm, rite..?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
booring lagi..
honestly, am kinda boringwith this blog. wanna change the skin, but i dun have any fabulous idea yet, besides.. got no time to waste to do the all the craps.
well, am feeling like talking about bout GIGI.
it's not the GIGI band from Indonesia.. but it's bout my own gigi laa..
aku sayang gigi aku, tapi malas gile nak jage. aku nyer gigi dah kurang satu, aku pun dah tak ingat apekah insiden yang menyebabkan daku kehilangan gigi taring ku yang satu itu.huum..?
lately, asal makan jek, mesti ade jek bende melekat kat celah gigi. terpakselaa korek2, slalunyer pakai tangan jek. eee..busuk ar.. yekk..
huh, wtf, gigi aku sdiri jugak.
mase kecik2 dulu, mase tadika. gigi aku rongak gile. rongak hitam ok, tapi aku tak ingatlaa busuk ke tak. aku ade gambar gigi aku rongak. gambar tuh, sengih bukan main lagi, tapi rongak. hahahaha! mane ntah aku letak gambar tuh, kat kg kot..
dulu kecik2, manelaa pandai jage gigi.. harap kan ummi aku laa, kalo die suh aku berus, aku berus jelaa.. kalo tak mesti aku miss berus gigi, huhu, gile buruk perangai.
and sweets, sweets is my indulgence. sampai skarang pun aku suke makan gule2. tapi skarang dah kurang sket. sebab gigi aku dah menunjukkan jangka hayatnya yang semakin berkurangan. Oh tidak!
mase 2005, aku penah buat part time kat klinik gigi, klinik gigi lisa alis namenyer.
aku jadik assistant yg sedut air liur kat tepi tuh. and yeah, kerja2 itu adalah agak keji dan menjijikkan, but who cares, yang penting i've got paid for that ok. selain sedut air liur orang, ade laa jugak bende lain yang aku kene buat, macam buat paste untuk tampal gigi, and so on. honestly, keje kat situh, banyak laa jugak bende yg selame ni aku tak tau, aku dah tau.. contohnyer... umm.. malas laa aku nak bagi contoh. tapi of coz laa, aku lebih conscious laa psal gigi2 ni.. yg paling best, aku dapat buat scaling and treat for free.. yeay! hey, kalo korang pegi private dental, ko tampal gigi ngan scaling, it cost u more than hundred tau.. tau tak untungnyer dapat buat2 sume tuh free..
after 3months,aku berenti, coz time keje kat situh kurang menarik, dan gajinyer agak sux.. but, am glad i used to work there.. weee~
alrite.. enuf about gigi..
sambung keje balik..
well, am feeling like talking about bout GIGI.
it's not the GIGI band from Indonesia.. but it's bout my own gigi laa..
aku sayang gigi aku, tapi malas gile nak jage. aku nyer gigi dah kurang satu, aku pun dah tak ingat apekah insiden yang menyebabkan daku kehilangan gigi taring ku yang satu itu.huum..?
lately, asal makan jek, mesti ade jek bende melekat kat celah gigi. terpakselaa korek2, slalunyer pakai tangan jek. eee..busuk ar.. yekk..
huh, wtf, gigi aku sdiri jugak.
mase kecik2 dulu, mase tadika. gigi aku rongak gile. rongak hitam ok, tapi aku tak ingatlaa busuk ke tak. aku ade gambar gigi aku rongak. gambar tuh, sengih bukan main lagi, tapi rongak. hahahaha! mane ntah aku letak gambar tuh, kat kg kot..
dulu kecik2, manelaa pandai jage gigi.. harap kan ummi aku laa, kalo die suh aku berus, aku berus jelaa.. kalo tak mesti aku miss berus gigi, huhu, gile buruk perangai.
and sweets, sweets is my indulgence. sampai skarang pun aku suke makan gule2. tapi skarang dah kurang sket. sebab gigi aku dah menunjukkan jangka hayatnya yang semakin berkurangan. Oh tidak!
mase 2005, aku penah buat part time kat klinik gigi, klinik gigi lisa alis namenyer.
aku jadik assistant yg sedut air liur kat tepi tuh. and yeah, kerja2 itu adalah agak keji dan menjijikkan, but who cares, yang penting i've got paid for that ok. selain sedut air liur orang, ade laa jugak bende lain yang aku kene buat, macam buat paste untuk tampal gigi, and so on. honestly, keje kat situh, banyak laa jugak bende yg selame ni aku tak tau, aku dah tau.. contohnyer... umm.. malas laa aku nak bagi contoh. tapi of coz laa, aku lebih conscious laa psal gigi2 ni.. yg paling best, aku dapat buat scaling and treat for free.. yeay! hey, kalo korang pegi private dental, ko tampal gigi ngan scaling, it cost u more than hundred tau.. tau tak untungnyer dapat buat2 sume tuh free..
after 3months,aku berenti, coz time keje kat situh kurang menarik, dan gajinyer agak sux.. but, am glad i used to work there.. weee~
alrite.. enuf about gigi..
sambung keje balik..
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