Cukuplah Allah menjadi Penolongku, dan Dialah sebaik-baik Pelindung
nothing would last forever..
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Cukuplah Allah menjadi Penolongku, dan Dialah sebaik-baik Pelindung
Hidup ini adalah satu pertaruhan, kita tidak tahu apakah yang menanti kita di hadapan, baikkah ia atau burukkah ia. Tawakallah yang memimpin kita menuju kepada Allah dengan tenang dan yakin.
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
It's been awhile since am blogging. I've been thinking of coming back here so many times already, but.. i don't know what have stopped me..
well, we're in middle of year 2012 already, everybody said time flies so fast.. yes it is and i do realize why it flew so fast.. sebab keje n commitment yg sgt byk, sampai tak cukup tgn nak handle sume bende at one time. Being a working mother of two, most of my time is evolved around my two sons, house and job. Alhamdullillah for my capability to handle everything by myself. honestly, it is not an easy job, but.. i try my best laaa..
Lately i have been doing a lot of soul searching, dekatkan diri dengan-Nya, cuba memperkukuhkan iman di dada, cuba menjadi mu'min yg solehah dan yang paling penting, cuba menjadi ibu yg baik. pheww~ Tuhan je yg tau cabarannye macam mane. lagi2 bile hendak mendidik anak bab2 agama. ibunye sendiri masih terkial-kial cube manjadi ibu yg soleh, cam mane plak nak mendidik anak jadi soleh. Berusaha n bertawakkal. itulaa yg mampu aku buat stakat ni.
sepanjang aku keje kat IIS nih, Alhamdulillah, ramai cikgu2 sejawat yg bleh jadi rujukan bile memerlukan nasihat dan teguran. dan ade juga yg umurnye beberape tahun mude pade aku, tapi MasyaAllah, die punye matured, knowledge and wisdom macam org dah berumur 40 tahun.. tapi, look at me? ape yg aku ade? ok..ok.. aku dah cukup bertuah, ade due anak yg comel, sihat dan bijak. aku dah cukup bertuah, ade rumah yg bleh jadi tempt bertuduh, ku cukup bertuah dapat kerja yg aku suke, aku cukup bertuah sebab ade suami yg menyayangi aku seadanya, aku cukup bertuah sebab kedua ibubapaku masih lagi bernafas.... dan banyak lagi tuah dan rezeki yg aku dapat dar-Nya, sememang aku berterime kasih n bersyukur sgt2 dekat Tuhan sebab ape yang aku ade sekarang ni. Tapi bile teliti kan diri ni, sbenarnya aku ni hambe Allah yg sangat2 lemah. kekadang rase diri ni dah cukup berilmu, tapi sbenarnya kosong.. sebenarnya pengatahuan agama aku sikit yg teramat sgt.. hanya 0.00001% lebih kurang laaa.. so sekarang ni, azam aku, nak menambah ilmu agama sebanyak mungkin.. mungkin bagi sesetengah org, cita2nya nak menjadi jutawan, atau a well known successful person. but for me, i want to be a better mu'min, and a great mother.. as for me, my biggest achievement will be my children success..
Monday, November 14, 2011
lately so many life changing, fortunate and unfortunate events happens in my life.. our school have two weeks break since 1st nov.. since then, my life become upside down. it was like, i didn't know what the hell am gonna do when i didn't go to work..
besides, the house works is endless, rase macam tak abis2 dok basuh baju, lipat baju basuh pinggan.. it's never stop.. hummm~~ then it's continue with Aidiladha, when the unfortunate event occured.. i had a very bad experience of KEMALANGAN JALAN RAYE.. it was my cousin who drove the car.. he fall asleep when he was driving and hit a car at tepi jalan then meluncur masuk gaung.. ya Allah, aku ingat mati je time tuh.. tapi Alhamdullah sume org selamat.. kecuali kerete aku yg terkorban, badly injured..

memandangkan sume org selamat, cume syakira je yg injured dekat kepale, hari raye pun disambut secare sederhana dengan care berjalan kaki dan menumpang kerete org.. Alhamdulillah, aidiladha still lagi meriah...

after 5 days kat kg.. berjaye jugak balik kl, tumpang cousin, kak nurul.. selepas beberape hari, hujung minggu menjelma lagi.. dan anak bujang ku berjaye menamatkan pengajian 6 tahun di tadika An-Nur.. haiz~ kejap je mase berlalu..

dan malamnyer pulak ade IIS annual dinner kat Crowne Plaza Hotel.. berjaye membawa pulang hadiah cabutan bertuah berupa sebuah kipas meja.. hehe.. Alhamdulillah...

and last but not least.. a fortunate news.. we expecting our third child now.. and hopefully this time wold be a lady.. InshaAllah.. i know, it is unexpected pregnancy.. tapi nak buat macam mane, aku redha je ketentuan Tuhan.. lagipun, anak itukan rezeki.. maybe rezeki aku bukannye wang ringgit, tapi dikurniakan anak2 yg comel2 dan sihat sempurna.. doakan aku jadi ibu yg baik k..
off to bed now.. may tommorrow is better than today.. may Allah bless us..
lately so many life changing, fortunate and unfortunate events happens in my life.. our school have two weeks break since 1st nov.. since then, my life become upside down. it was like, i didn't know what the hell am gonna do when i didn't go to work..
besides, the house works is endless, rase macam tak abis2 dok basuh baju, lipat baju basuh pinggan.. it's never stop.. hummm~~ then it's continue with Aidiladha, when the unfortunate event occured.. i had a very bad experience of KEMALANGAN JALAN RAYE.. it was my cousin who drove the car.. he fall asleep when he was driving and hit a car at tepi jalan then meluncur masuk gaung.. ya Allah, aku ingat mati je time tuh.. tapi Alhamdullah sume org selamat.. kecuali kerete aku yg terkorban, badly injured..
memandangkan sume org selamat, cume syakira je yg injured dekat kepale, hari raye pun disambut secare sederhana dengan care berjalan kaki dan menumpang kerete org.. Alhamdulillah, aidiladha still lagi meriah...
after 5 days kat kg.. berjaye jugak balik kl, tumpang cousin, kak nurul.. selepas beberape hari, hujung minggu menjelma lagi.. dan anak bujang ku berjaye menamatkan pengajian 6 tahun di tadika An-Nur.. haiz~ kejap je mase berlalu..
dan malamnyer pulak ade IIS annual dinner kat Crowne Plaza Hotel.. berjaye membawa pulang hadiah cabutan bertuah berupa sebuah kipas meja.. hehe.. Alhamdulillah...
and last but not least.. a fortunate news.. we expecting our third child now.. and hopefully this time wold be a lady.. InshaAllah.. i know, it is unexpected pregnancy.. tapi nak buat macam mane, aku redha je ketentuan Tuhan.. lagipun, anak itukan rezeki.. maybe rezeki aku bukannye wang ringgit, tapi dikurniakan anak2 yg comel2 dan sihat sempurna.. doakan aku jadi ibu yg baik k..
off to bed now.. may tommorrow is better than today.. may Allah bless us..
Saturday, August 13, 2011
lotsa rare & different things happened during this Ramadhan..
my life routine 275 degree change.. it's all because of my new school..
new scheduled, new subjects, new students and everything is new..
and just now, i have a small argument with my older sons, sampai die nak pack baju lari dari rumah.. part of it, it's my fault.. maybe because of my frustration towards my life now, i let out through my anger towards him.. i was hand him just now, coz he's 'jentik nonot adik die'.. of coz i mad, it's really hurt when u pinch boys private part.. n i was full with anger then i hit him n spank him.. n he hate it so much sampai nak lari dr rumah.. MasyaAllah~.. what I have done sampai die benci macam tuh skali kat aku.. what kind of mother I am..? I really wanna be a better mother.. InsyaAllah, God give me guidance.. waAllahualam..
my life routine 275 degree change.. it's all because of my new school..
new scheduled, new subjects, new students and everything is new..
and just now, i have a small argument with my older sons, sampai die nak pack baju lari dari rumah.. part of it, it's my fault.. maybe because of my frustration towards my life now, i let out through my anger towards him.. i was hand him just now, coz he's 'jentik nonot adik die'.. of coz i mad, it's really hurt when u pinch boys private part.. n i was full with anger then i hit him n spank him.. n he hate it so much sampai nak lari dr rumah.. MasyaAllah~.. what I have done sampai die benci macam tuh skali kat aku.. what kind of mother I am..? I really wanna be a better mother.. InsyaAllah, God give me guidance.. waAllahualam..
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Alhamdulillah.. again..
Segala puji bagi Allah.. my life is getting better each day.. yeah, but of coz they will be up and down..
well, it's my second day at new school.. so, 'Ah lan wasahlam' International Islamic School.. hehe
of coz, am glad that i make a right decision to leave Sri Utama. Coz here is far better than there, the only thing i miss is my form 3B kids..
whatever it is, I am happier here.. yeay!
the only thing that makes me down is whenever i think about my debt. lotsa debt.. haiyaa.. I really can't control myself when it come to spend the money.
susah gile nak kontrol. so skarang ni nak kene cari jalan clear kan debt, coz i need to buy a new laptop. humm.. macam mane ar..
kalo nak buat tuition, memang dah tak larat dah, coz my current school is getting far from my house.. no time for tuition. humm..
well, may God murahkan rezeki bebanyak.. Aaamiin..
memikirkan upcoming raye.. memikirkan sume org showing off with Coach, CK, Micheal Korrs handbags.. how about me? -_-" banyak sgt temptation.
tension. takpela.. jgn lupe diri.. kite ni hutang dah banyak, sedarlah diri sikit yek..hehe
well, it's my second day at new school.. so, 'Ah lan wasahlam' International Islamic School.. hehe
of coz, am glad that i make a right decision to leave Sri Utama. Coz here is far better than there, the only thing i miss is my form 3B kids..
whatever it is, I am happier here.. yeay!
the only thing that makes me down is whenever i think about my debt. lotsa debt.. haiyaa.. I really can't control myself when it come to spend the money.
susah gile nak kontrol. so skarang ni nak kene cari jalan clear kan debt, coz i need to buy a new laptop. humm.. macam mane ar..
kalo nak buat tuition, memang dah tak larat dah, coz my current school is getting far from my house.. no time for tuition. humm..
well, may God murahkan rezeki bebanyak.. Aaamiin..
memikirkan upcoming raye.. memikirkan sume org showing off with Coach, CK, Micheal Korrs handbags.. how about me? -_-" banyak sgt temptation.
tension. takpela.. jgn lupe diri.. kite ni hutang dah banyak, sedarlah diri sikit yek..hehe
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