jiweku still agi berkecamuk tak menentu hale..
but thanx to my gorgeous babes who willing to menadah telinge n mendengar luahan perasaanku n also willing give an absolute advice yg sgt bergune..
thanx babes..
am feeling better..
willing to start my life today as better person..
aku tgh mengantuk tak ingat ni..
asik ngantuk jek..
tadi smayang subuh.. pas semayang, tgk due jejake kacak tuh cam lena di ulit intan..
aku pun.. uuuii.. best jugak ni kalo sambung tido..
dengan sendirinyer, aku sambung tido balik..
pastuh baru laa kelam kabut bangun nak gi keje.. huh..
am not a morning person..
so, waking up in the morning
is the hardest thing to do every morning in my life
try jugak dulu, bagun awal..
tahan sminggu jek, pastuh berbalik kepade asal..
camner ar, nak bangun awl erk..
sbenarnye, bagun awl, best ar..
kalo dapat gi jogging lagi sesubuh..
lagi best..
tapi, macam liat gile nak bangun pagi.
kalo subuh. memang smayang subuh dinosour.
taktau laa camner nak buat..
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
in luv
do u know the feeling of falling in luv..?
umm.. i miss that feeling..
yeah i know.. i still love my husband ok..
but the feeling of falling in luv is tottally different wif being in luv..
yeah it's tru..
coz falling in luv, is the feeling when u start to fall for somebody k..
is not that am falling for somebody else now..
really trying to behave myself now..
but falling in luv really makes me feel like flying in the sky..
buakan nak berjiwang ke ape..
lately aku layan cite jepun ni..
cite budak2 skolah..
tapi klakar nak mampos..
n of coz laa that citer involve cintan-cintun..
it remind me of myself years back..
i luv myself for being admired..
i like when the dude i like having a crush on me..
yeah.. bestnyer..
i like so much when i have some guy frenz that i can talk n kutuk2..
well, i wish i still have 'em as my frenz..
but they'r avoiding me now.. n me myself avoiding em ..
coz am married n already have a kid..
err, macam dah kuar topik laa plak kan..
pedulik lah..
kuar topik..kuar topik laa..
tapi memang, bile tgk citer tuh kan..
aku rase nak jadik teenage balik..
lepak ngank kawan2..
buat keje bodoh..
kutuk2 org..
gile tak bergune ar..
nak turn back time..
mustahil laa kan..
tapi.. if only i cud spend sumtimes ngan membe2 ramai2..
best ar gak kan..
n citer jepun yg aku tgk tuh..
Hanazakari No Kimitachi E
citer baru.. last year nyer citer..
aku ade 1 whole season..
sape nak tgk.. call aku..
citer nyer klakar habis..
kalo korang penat2 balik kejer..
layan citer ni.. memang ar sgt menggumbirakan hati..
citer die tak logik gile..
psal budak2 boarding skool..
tapi skool yg khas utk dudes yg hot2 sahaje..
n dierang dinilai camner dierang perform every skool event, bukannye ikut dierang nyer mark mase exam..
serius best..
budak2 skolah dalam citer tuh memang kacak2 semuanye..
adalah seronok mencuci mateku bile menonton cerita itu..
poster nyer..
umm.. i miss that feeling..
yeah i know.. i still love my husband ok..
but the feeling of falling in luv is tottally different wif being in luv..
yeah it's tru..
coz falling in luv, is the feeling when u start to fall for somebody k..
is not that am falling for somebody else now..
really trying to behave myself now..
but falling in luv really makes me feel like flying in the sky..
buakan nak berjiwang ke ape..
lately aku layan cite jepun ni..
cite budak2 skolah..
tapi klakar nak mampos..
n of coz laa that citer involve cintan-cintun..
it remind me of myself years back..
i luv myself for being admired..
i like when the dude i like having a crush on me..
yeah.. bestnyer..
i like so much when i have some guy frenz that i can talk n kutuk2..
well, i wish i still have 'em as my frenz..
but they'r avoiding me now.. n me myself avoiding em ..
coz am married n already have a kid..
err, macam dah kuar topik laa plak kan..
pedulik lah..
kuar topik..kuar topik laa..
tapi memang, bile tgk citer tuh kan..
aku rase nak jadik teenage balik..
lepak ngank kawan2..
buat keje bodoh..
kutuk2 org..
gile tak bergune ar..
nak turn back time..
mustahil laa kan..
tapi.. if only i cud spend sumtimes ngan membe2 ramai2..
best ar gak kan..
n citer jepun yg aku tgk tuh..
Hanazakari No Kimitachi E
citer baru.. last year nyer citer..
aku ade 1 whole season..
sape nak tgk.. call aku..
citer nyer klakar habis..
kalo korang penat2 balik kejer..
layan citer ni.. memang ar sgt menggumbirakan hati..
citer die tak logik gile..
psal budak2 boarding skool..
tapi skool yg khas utk dudes yg hot2 sahaje..
n dierang dinilai camner dierang perform every skool event, bukannye ikut dierang nyer mark mase exam..
serius best..
budak2 skolah dalam citer tuh memang kacak2 semuanye..
adalah seronok mencuci mateku bile menonton cerita itu..
poster nyer..

same ol blog
am rarely blogging..
coz dah takde idea nak merapu..
well, actually i kinda bored wif this kind of layout..
rase cam nak tukar skin..
tapi malas nak buat keje banyak..
lagi pun takde mase nak buat keje mengarut ni..
ape nak tulis ni..
my life..
am still not really happy wif my life..
still lotsa justification need to be done..
tapi aku sebenarnye malas nak pikir sume tuh.. bleh tak? aku malas nak pikir..
tapi bile pikir balik membe2 aku yg tgh working hard sekarang..
jeles gak.. i wanna be like 'em..
work hard!
am such a lazy p*g..
bad habits die hard..
i've been go tru lotsa motivational classes..
n listen to so many talks from success ppl..
but am still..
the same ol me..
really need a strong wind to change..
time to change..
coz dah takde idea nak merapu..
well, actually i kinda bored wif this kind of layout..
rase cam nak tukar skin..
tapi malas nak buat keje banyak..
lagi pun takde mase nak buat keje mengarut ni..
ape nak tulis ni..
my life..
am still not really happy wif my life..
still lotsa justification need to be done..
tapi aku sebenarnye malas nak pikir sume tuh.. bleh tak? aku malas nak pikir..
tapi bile pikir balik membe2 aku yg tgh working hard sekarang..
jeles gak.. i wanna be like 'em..
work hard!
am such a lazy p*g..
bad habits die hard..
i've been go tru lotsa motivational classes..
n listen to so many talks from success ppl..
but am still..
the same ol me..
really need a strong wind to change..
time to change..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
nak tukar skin.
lamenyer aku tak memblog..
windu ar gak nak blogging..
tapi i takde mase laa.. *cheh!*
seriously, lately cam bz yg teramat sgt..
aku pun tak tau ape yg membuatka aku bz.. tapi rase cam bz..
bz, coz i have to achieve my target this week..
close 4 cases.. *still working on it..*
bz coz my baby, aiman got sick.. *sian gile tgk die.. demam..*
have no choice, have to go to work.. yesterday dah tak keje..
one whole day dok umah jer..
jage budak kecik tuh je.. tapi smlm die cam ok jek..
tapi mlm tadi die tido, jap2 terkejut, bangun nangis, badan panas jer..
huumm.. serba salah..
tanak gi keje ari ni, smlm dah cuti.. terpakse ar bekerja gak..
maybe balik nanti i shud stop n get a toy for him..
buat ubat demam..
bz, sebab tgh letih memikirkan.. patut ke tak patut aku balik kg..
my mom sebok dok bising suh balik mangundi..
apelaa government ni, nyusahkan org je..
ape slahnyer kalo biar je org tuh nak mengundi memane je dierang nak..
dah kate tinggal kat kl, ngundi jelaa kat kl..
nyusahkan org je..
kalo buat online vote lagi senang..
masuk no i/c, pastuh vote.. lagi laa ko bleh trace, sape vote sape..
pastuh lagi senang korang nak buat statistic, org mude ramai vote pas ke.. org tue ramai vote umno ke.. org cine ramai mane gi vote dap..
haaa, kan senang sket..
menyenangkan keje aku.. dan utk kebaikan korang gak..
tul tak..
then aku gak bz memikirkan mase depan ku..
still lagi tgh perah otak buat strategi cenggane nak achieve aku nyer life goals..
masalah nye, aku nyer goals pun still lagi dalam keadaan samar..
so aku kene perah otak betull..
pikir ape aku nak..
pastuh pikir ape yg aku kene buat..
di samping itu..
aku bz memikirkan camner nak gi melake wedding pijot ni..
aku kene pegi gak wedding die, sebab die attend aku nyer wedding..
tak kire, aku kene pegi wedding die..
selain itu,
saye jugak tengah memerah otak bagaimana untuk menabung duit saye..
asal dapat gaji jek.. abis..
aku nye income.. oklaa..
aku nyer hutang..tarak..
umah tak kene bayar..
kete tak kene bayar..
kredit kad pun takde..
cume utang ptptipu jek yg ade..
tapi aku takleh nak save..
camner tuh..
camner arr.. aku nak save duit ni..?
banyak bende nak kene pikir dan kene buat..
oleh yang demikian..
aku sememangnye sgt membizikan diri tengah memikirkan semua perkare-perkare yg perlu di buat, seperti yang tersebut di atas..
p/s. also bz nak mengempiskan perut..
windu ar gak nak blogging..
tapi i takde mase laa.. *cheh!*
seriously, lately cam bz yg teramat sgt..
aku pun tak tau ape yg membuatka aku bz.. tapi rase cam bz..
bz, coz i have to achieve my target this week..
close 4 cases.. *still working on it..*
bz coz my baby, aiman got sick.. *sian gile tgk die.. demam..*
have no choice, have to go to work.. yesterday dah tak keje..
one whole day dok umah jer..
jage budak kecik tuh je.. tapi smlm die cam ok jek..
tapi mlm tadi die tido, jap2 terkejut, bangun nangis, badan panas jer..
huumm.. serba salah..
tanak gi keje ari ni, smlm dah cuti.. terpakse ar bekerja gak..
maybe balik nanti i shud stop n get a toy for him..
buat ubat demam..
bz, sebab tgh letih memikirkan.. patut ke tak patut aku balik kg..
my mom sebok dok bising suh balik mangundi..
apelaa government ni, nyusahkan org je..
ape slahnyer kalo biar je org tuh nak mengundi memane je dierang nak..
dah kate tinggal kat kl, ngundi jelaa kat kl..
nyusahkan org je..
kalo buat online vote lagi senang..
masuk no i/c, pastuh vote.. lagi laa ko bleh trace, sape vote sape..
pastuh lagi senang korang nak buat statistic, org mude ramai vote pas ke.. org tue ramai vote umno ke.. org cine ramai mane gi vote dap..
haaa, kan senang sket..
menyenangkan keje aku.. dan utk kebaikan korang gak..
tul tak..
then aku gak bz memikirkan mase depan ku..
still lagi tgh perah otak buat strategi cenggane nak achieve aku nyer life goals..
masalah nye, aku nyer goals pun still lagi dalam keadaan samar..
so aku kene perah otak betull..
pikir ape aku nak..
pastuh pikir ape yg aku kene buat..
di samping itu..
aku bz memikirkan camner nak gi melake wedding pijot ni..
aku kene pegi gak wedding die, sebab die attend aku nyer wedding..
tak kire, aku kene pegi wedding die..
selain itu,
saye jugak tengah memerah otak bagaimana untuk menabung duit saye..
asal dapat gaji jek.. abis..
aku nye income.. oklaa..
aku nyer hutang..tarak..
umah tak kene bayar..
kete tak kene bayar..
kredit kad pun takde..
cume utang ptptipu jek yg ade..
tapi aku takleh nak save..
camner tuh..
camner arr.. aku nak save duit ni..?
banyak bende nak kene pikir dan kene buat..
oleh yang demikian..
aku sememangnye sgt membizikan diri tengah memikirkan semua perkare-perkare yg perlu di buat, seperti yang tersebut di atas..
p/s. also bz nak mengempiskan perut..
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
i forgot bout my befday..
my..my.. my 26th befday..
dem! am i dat old?
gosh.. i shud have another child..
still dalam proses
my befday last 3 days..
was okey..
still at kg. that day..
so jez makan kek n makan sate at my mum in law house..
so fortunately, me, muminlaw n sisinlaw share the same befday wif me..
see.. no wonder my hubby yg kacak itu marrying me..
obviously i share the same significant traits wif his sis n mum..
walaupun haram aku tak tau ape yg same (except the fact that kiterang sume same tinggi)..
i think becoz we'r sharing the same befday, so absolutely there's sum things we have in common.. tul tak..?
jejaka kacak itu telah menghadiahkan aku seutas swatch yg sgt gorjes..
tetapi, belum pun sempat tanganku yg gebu ini menikmati keindahannyer..
strap swatch yg kononnyer gorjes itu telah rosak.. takde ar rosak, tapi cacat ar..
cam haram..
so smlm aku pegilaa kat swatch shop balik.. ingat bleh switch baru..
sekali die hantar dekat service center, after 2weeks baru leh amik..
wtf! aku tak pakai pun lagi jam tuh..
adalah sgt mengeciwakan..
nak bergambor pun tak sempat..
huh.. swatch sux!
itulaaa ceritera hari jadiku yg ke 26..
the only befday gift i've got..
gile loser
ok wat..
at least..
still got one..better than nothing..
so hepi belated befday to me..
am hepi for being i am..
and InsyaAllah..
i wanna work hard n pray hard to be better person..
God Bless us..
i forgot bout my befday..
my..my.. my 26th befday..
dem! am i dat old?
gosh.. i shud have another child..
still dalam proses
my befday last 3 days..
was okey..
still at kg. that day..
so jez makan kek n makan sate at my mum in law house..
so fortunately, me, muminlaw n sisinlaw share the same befday wif me..
see.. no wonder my hubby yg kacak itu marrying me..
obviously i share the same significant traits wif his sis n mum..
walaupun haram aku tak tau ape yg same (except the fact that kiterang sume same tinggi)..
i think becoz we'r sharing the same befday, so absolutely there's sum things we have in common.. tul tak..?
jejaka kacak itu telah menghadiahkan aku seutas swatch yg sgt gorjes..
tetapi, belum pun sempat tanganku yg gebu ini menikmati keindahannyer..
strap swatch yg kononnyer gorjes itu telah rosak.. takde ar rosak, tapi cacat ar..
cam haram..
so smlm aku pegilaa kat swatch shop balik.. ingat bleh switch baru..
sekali die hantar dekat service center, after 2weeks baru leh amik..
wtf! aku tak pakai pun lagi jam tuh..
adalah sgt mengeciwakan..
nak bergambor pun tak sempat..
huh.. swatch sux!
itulaaa ceritera hari jadiku yg ke 26..
the only befday gift i've got..
gile loser
ok wat..
at least..
still got one..better than nothing..
so hepi belated befday to me..
am hepi for being i am..
and InsyaAllah..
i wanna work hard n pray hard to be better person..
God Bless us..
early this year i've been told so many times..
i have to plan anything i want to achieve for one whole year..
and i'v been thinking of doing that so many times..
but aint doing anything bout it..
and i know..
without planning anything u'll probably got nothing for this year..
as u can see..
there're 2 wish lists at the side box i wish i wud get em..
i still wish i will grab all of em..
i aint plan anything to make wish come true..
i shud start to plan my strategies now..
n work harder..
the reality is..
i really need to plan n work harder..
work hard
i have to plan anything i want to achieve for one whole year..
and i'v been thinking of doing that so many times..
but aint doing anything bout it..
and i know..
without planning anything u'll probably got nothing for this year..
as u can see..
there're 2 wish lists at the side box i wish i wud get em..
i still wish i will grab all of em..
i aint plan anything to make wish come true..
i shud start to plan my strategies now..
n work harder..
the reality is..
i really need to plan n work harder..
work hard
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