umm.. i miss that feeling..
yeah i know.. i still love my husband ok..
but the feeling of falling in luv is tottally different wif being in luv..
yeah it's tru..
coz falling in luv, is the feeling when u start to fall for somebody k..
is not that am falling for somebody else now..
really trying to behave myself now..
but falling in luv really makes me feel like flying in the sky..
buakan nak berjiwang ke ape..
lately aku layan cite jepun ni..
cite budak2 skolah..
tapi klakar nak mampos..
n of coz laa that citer involve cintan-cintun..
it remind me of myself years back..
i luv myself for being admired..
i like when the dude i like having a crush on me..
yeah.. bestnyer..
i like so much when i have some guy frenz that i can talk n kutuk2..
well, i wish i still have 'em as my frenz..
but they'r avoiding me now.. n me myself avoiding em ..
coz am married n already have a kid..
err, macam dah kuar topik laa plak kan..
pedulik lah..
kuar topik..kuar topik laa..
tapi memang, bile tgk citer tuh kan..
aku rase nak jadik teenage balik..
lepak ngank kawan2..
buat keje bodoh..
kutuk2 org..
gile tak bergune ar..
nak turn back time..
mustahil laa kan..
tapi.. if only i cud spend sumtimes ngan membe2 ramai2..
best ar gak kan..
n citer jepun yg aku tgk tuh..
Hanazakari No Kimitachi E
citer baru.. last year nyer citer..
aku ade 1 whole season..
sape nak tgk.. call aku..
citer nyer klakar habis..
kalo korang penat2 balik kejer..
layan citer ni.. memang ar sgt menggumbirakan hati..
citer die tak logik gile..
psal budak2 boarding skool..
tapi skool yg khas utk dudes yg hot2 sahaje..
n dierang dinilai camner dierang perform every skool event, bukannye ikut dierang nyer mark mase exam..
serius best..
budak2 skolah dalam citer tuh memang kacak2 semuanye..
adalah seronok mencuci mateku bile menonton cerita itu..
poster nyer..

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