lately so many life changing, fortunate and unfortunate events happens in my life.. our school have two weeks break since 1st nov.. since then, my life become upside down. it was like, i didn't know what the hell am gonna do when i didn't go to work..
besides, the house works is endless, rase macam tak abis2 dok basuh baju, lipat baju basuh pinggan.. it's never stop.. hummm~~ then it's continue with Aidiladha, when the unfortunate event occured.. i had a very bad experience of KEMALANGAN JALAN RAYE.. it was my cousin who drove the car.. he fall asleep when he was driving and hit a car at tepi jalan then meluncur masuk gaung.. ya Allah, aku ingat mati je time tuh.. tapi Alhamdullah sume org selamat.. kecuali kerete aku yg terkorban, badly injured..
memandangkan sume org selamat, cume syakira je yg injured dekat kepale, hari raye pun disambut secare sederhana dengan care berjalan kaki dan menumpang kerete org.. Alhamdulillah, aidiladha still lagi meriah...
after 5 days kat kg.. berjaye jugak balik kl, tumpang cousin, kak nurul.. selepas beberape hari, hujung minggu menjelma lagi.. dan anak bujang ku berjaye menamatkan pengajian 6 tahun di tadika An-Nur.. haiz~ kejap je mase berlalu..
dan malamnyer pulak ade IIS annual dinner kat Crowne Plaza Hotel.. berjaye membawa pulang hadiah cabutan bertuah berupa sebuah kipas meja.. hehe.. Alhamdulillah...
and last but not least.. a fortunate news.. we expecting our third child now.. and hopefully this time wold be a lady.. InshaAllah.. i know, it is unexpected pregnancy.. tapi nak buat macam mane, aku redha je ketentuan Tuhan.. lagipun, anak itukan rezeki.. maybe rezeki aku bukannye wang ringgit, tapi dikurniakan anak2 yg comel2 dan sihat sempurna.. doakan aku jadi ibu yg baik k..
off to bed now.. may tommorrow is better than today.. may Allah bless us..
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