Friday, September 19, 2008

ngantuk nyerrrr...

ari ni after sahur aku tak tido ok..
dan kesan akibatnye, aku ngantuk gile skarang..
camner nak keje ni.. huhu~

well, 11 days to go before raye..
rase tak sabar pun ade.. rase cam tanak tinggal Ramadhan pun ade..
due tige hari ni, aku baru start to feel the soul of Ramadhan..
where i started to bace Quran everytime after subuh.
n yesterday is like a religious day to me, coz 3 waktu smayang, aku smayang kat masjid ok..
hehe, terase diri ini amat bagus..
well, i feel good bout myself, coz manage to do such things all over again..
setelah sekian lame tidak menjejakkan kaki ke masjid..
am doing great..hehe..
i miss terawih at masjid..
since having aiman, tak penah lagi terawih kat masjid..
buat kat rumah ade laa, setahun 3,4 kali, hehe..

am feeling very grateful..
anyway, today's friday..
n this friday, is my grateful day..

Thank God, for the blessing life..

be grateful ya..

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