shockingly this morning aku tak sedar bunyi alarm bangun sahur..
so we missed our sahur this morning..
n hubby jez call me now nak bukak puase..
watever, tanak puase sudah.. die yg tanggung dose, bukan aku..
kalo aku yang sengaje tak puase, he has to share the dosa wif me..
he's the husband who suppose to guide me..
malas nak bising2..
bising2 kat diri sdiri jelaa..
nanti aku sound, die plak bad mood..
aku pun tgh takde mood ni..
tgh ngantuk, n of coz dem hungry..
since last nite lagi, lapar gile..
bile tak sahur, melampau-lampau laa laparnyer..
i jez cudn't wait to do the shopping therapy..
i wanna shop to death..
lepas geram..
i can bet after going tru that therapy..
i'll be home with the big smile on my face =D
My Therapy's Ingredient List...
[1] .:Tudung-tudung:.
[2] .:HandBag:.
[3] .:Stilettos:.
[4] .:Make-up stuff:.
[5] .:Aiman's:.
[6] .:Baju Melayu for Papa:.
tuh je.. b4 ni rase cam banyak nak beli..
so kalo ade bajet lebih, banyak lagi ar kot yg bleh dibeli.. ;p
haaa, nak beli lagi laa pants kat COMMA tuh, comey laa..
ok, that's it..
feel like to jot more craps
but i jez don know what to crap..
crap or no crap..
chow dulu..
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