macam2 bende.. kalo call, banyak plak cakapnyer.. meleret-leret..
kekadang letih nak tadah telinge..
kalo cakap stret to the point ape masalahnye..
macam2 plak..
smlm gi KLIA, antar kak wa balik dublin..
'sthn skali jek dpt jumpe kakak ipar aku sorang tuh..
am so adore her..
coz she's adorable..
since back in secretly adore her..
she's my senior..
she's so famous back then..
coz she's skool's sprinter, nettball player, basketball player
n a bit of player herself.. hehe ;p
she's ain't gorgeous or pretty..
but she's so adorable..
tapi mase skolah, we weren't talk to each other that much..
not that close..
but so glad she's my in law now..
hehe.. watever laa kan..
what makes she's so cool in my eyes..
she's able to work at Dublin, got paid Euro 2.5K permonth, married to a chef..
but still look good n youthful..
really cool..
not cool enuf..
here our pic..

from left..
hubby, me, kak wa n her hubby, mr.RAy-the-chef..
tgk kak wa, aku nampak lagi matured pade die kan?
no wonder she's able to pair wif 23 years old chef..
am so envy her..
not bcoz she's married a young chef..
but coz she's looking so young, staying oversea, gaji 2500Euro.. huh, aku gaji 2500 ringgit mesia pu takdapat, nak dapat in euro..hampehlaa..
dahlaa husband chef..
aku penah rase masakan Mr.Ray..
sodap gile..
bile laa dierang nak settle down kat mesia, buat open house.. best nyer..!
klaa, enuf about kak wa..
am gonna heading to buy nasi ayam hainam..
mlm ni balik kg.. yeayeay!
hepi friday!
njoy ur weekn!