still stuck at my office.. my weekn is fabulous..
on friday, i hang over wif nana, wan n frens... at 1st, jez chill wif nana n omar at Uncle Don, n then Wan call me up, i asked him to join us.. then he came, omar blah.. he's kidnapped us n stay wif his BMI's fren.. missing alan, apiz, wa'im n that black skinny guy alot.. n their gals r so dull n bored.. sombong lak tuh.. me not interested laa.. by 6am, baru laa Wan antar kitarang balik..
i slept over at nana's house coz my dad's here..
then on saturday, fooling round at klcc, watching 50 most eligible bachelors..
n have snap a pic wif the hottest guy in town, roshan.. damn.. he's hot!
n i met naza n her sisters.. i tot she's kinda hot n cute.. but.. vice versa..
boleh laa tahan.. but not her twin, naz.. diarang dress up.. mak aii..! no comment laa.. but she's nice.. n we'v been plan, to have fun at IBIZA next weekn.. yeyeah!!
n that nite, i slept for 14 hour.. wow! heheh... my new record.. frm 9pm to 11am.. aku bangun sampai pening2, sakit blakang laa... n then that evening kluar lepak ngan wan.. jez makan2 n jalan2.. chill... erk.. n last nite Omr ask me out, having fried ice-cream at pasar malam.. but cancelled it last minute.. n promise me 2 takes me out this wed.. well, can't wait towatch 50 1st date.. but dunno wif whom... urmmm....
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