it was hell fun..
dem farking fun!
yesterday we are heading to PD.. the unplanned picnic..
at first, it was really miserable time wif me coz am freaking tired, pegi plak picnic yg unplanned.. dekat pd plak tuh, n people there sangat laa ramai, ye lor, piblic holiday meh, mestilaa bapak ramai..
sampai je, they all terus start to fire up the bbq n makan2..
after makan, heading to the beach.. yeahhaaa!
tapi swimming at the beach adalah sangat tidak best..
coz the water is really salty and makes my skin burrrnnnn...
later, zahir rent the kayak..
and we started kayaking bergilir-gilir..
n when my turn come, hunky tanak naik kayak..
huhuuu, apelaa hunky ni, sgt tak best. at last i ride wif kepang..
kepang was so sweet, we talk n borak2 sambil paddling the kayak, huhu best..
that's my first time kayaking at the sea..
yelor..bukan slalunyer org naik kayak kat tasik ke..
pas berkayak2.. makan lagi.. then, banana boat time! yeah!
that's also my first time ride on banana boat..
and banana boat, was farking nice boat..
sangat best, sangat freaky and thrilling..
bile tgh syok ride on the boat, suddenly boat terbalik n sume org jatuh..
the worst part is, kalo ko jatuh dan tetibe kaki org depan dan belakang ko terkene kat kepala/belakang/dada/leher.. adus.. sakit gile..
so do i, my ribs was kicked by hunky, n my leher ntah kaki sape ntah singgah kat leher aku ni.. dan akibatnya.. satu malam tak leh tido, dan sampai ari ni, aku tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnye menoleh ke kiri-dan ke kanan.. isk.. sakit..
but it's really worth of sakit..
tho pd is not the best beach ever,
but the bbq, the people, the kayak and the banana boat adalah sangat best gile..
am happy.. =)