Thursday, February 12, 2009


i start my day with such a fine feeling.
having a great dinner n a great sex last nite, really stimulating..hehe
when the noon come..
and lotsa matters came and demand my attention.
i start to feel suck!

seriously tak suke bile deal ngan orang yg bongek.
para pekerja yang jage lab, tapi tak penah ade kat lab.
manager insurans yg bongek, pikir psal die nyer duit jek.
hoh! tak suke gile.


sib baik laa my current boss ni macam baik gak ar.
takdelaa nak tokok tambah aku nyer fenin ni.
ntah2 die yg pening nak layan aku yg macam2 hal ni.

apepun babe,
have a great thursday.

i luv hunky.
i luv aiman.
i luv me.
i luv everyone.

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